
Picture of SCP-593.

Item #: SCP-593

Object Class: Euclid Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All knowledge of SCP-593's existence and its location is to be suppressed. Any person who discovers evidence of this containment breach is to be immediately detained and administered amnestics. Should any information about SCP-593 be found in the public media, the Foundation must be notified immediately.

Description: SCP-593 is a decommissioned United States Air Force CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter. SCP-593 appears completely intact and operational, despite its age. SCP-593 is an extremely large aircraft, with an endohedral volume of over 210 cubic meters. While it appears to be intact, SCP-593's interior contains no sign of an engine or fuel tanks.

SCP-593 is capable of flight; it does not appear to have any form of propulsion system or motor. While in motion, SCP-593 will exhibit complex aerodynamic properties consistent with those of a fighter jet, as well as the ability to accelerate at tremendous speeds without inducing air resistance.

SCP-593 has multiple instances of anomalous technology installed within it, including:

Addendum: This containment is designed to prevent the Foundation from becoming aware of SCP-593's existence, as well as to prevent unwanted knowledge of its existence from being made public.