Picture of SCP-599.
Item #: SCP-599
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-599 is currently contained at Site-42, located within the former naval base of the United States of America. A site has been constructed around SCP-599 with a perimeter fence equipped with motion detectors. Foundation agents stationed within the Coast Guard are instructed to monitor interdiction efforts and capture any attempts at contact from SCP-599.
Description: SCP-599 designates the USS Arizona, a United States Navy battleship that was sunk during World War II and is currently listed as a U.S. National Historic Landmark in Honolulu, Hawaii.
SCP-599 has the ability to effectively communicate with any human who navigates their location by way of boat. Psychological interviews have revealed that SCP-599 will display memories from its time with each individual person who enters its containment facility; these memories are inconsistent in their detail and period of time, despite inconsistencies in these details being present in all such memories. The only consistent factor among all memories is that they involve conversations involving the sinking of the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941.1
Attempts at communication on behalf of individuals who are not believed to be descendants of those lost on the USS Arizona have thus far failed to result in any information being conveyed to any personnel involved. When a subject's belief in their ancestry is validated, SCP-599 will display a specific memory connected with that individual. These memories typically lack significant detail and consist of fragments of historical documents or diary entries, often lacking more than two sentences before the subject expresses uncertainty regarding their meaning.
Individuals born after 1952 are not able to communicate with SCP-599 regardless of whether or not they believe themselves to be descendants of those lost on the USS Arizona.
Addendum: On July 31, 1947, two days after a one-man exploration expedition to SCP-599 was launched, the subject\'s body was recovered from the water. The subject was successfully brought aboard a Foundation vessel, and was later determined to be approximately 90 years old.
Interviewed: The deceased subject
Interviewer: Dr. Richard White
Foreword: The following is an interview with the deceased subject conducted with Dr. White on July 31, 1947 aboard the Foundation vessel ████.
Dr. White: Good afternoon, sir. I am Dr. Richard White, senior psychologist of this facility. I\'d like to ask you a few questions regarding your experience while aboard SCP-599. Please begin by telling me your name?
Subject: [inaudible]
Dr. White: I\'m sorry?
Subject: My name is [inaudible]. When are we going to get there? Why won\'t this boat move?
Dr. White: I\'m not sure what you mean, sir? Where is "there"?
Subject: It\'s a boat! It\'s got to move! It\'s got to take us somewhere! We\'re here! We\'re here for a reason! Now move it!
[Agent ██████ enters the room. Subject looks at him.]
Subject: Hello? Hello? You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?! You hear me?!
[All agents within earshot appear to be in shock.]
Agent ██████: Someone get that man out of here right now!
[Dr. White begins to record.]
Dr. White: What do you mean by "here", sir?
Subject: The boat! The boat has to move! The boat has to take us somewhere! We\'re here for a reason! Now move it!
[Dr. White returns his recorder.]
Dr. White: Do you believe that you are a descendant of those who were lost on the USS Arizona?
Subject: Of course I do! Why else would my body be here instead of in the boat? It\'s all about the boat! It\'s all about the boat! The boat has to move! It has to take us somewhere! We\'re here for a reason! Now move it! We\'re here for a reason! We\'re here for a reason! We\'re here for a reason! We\'re here for a reason! We\'re here for a reason!
(Subject begins screaming, attempting to force its way towards Agent ██████.)
Agent ██████: Get him away from me, now! Get him away from me right now before he kills someone else, goddammit! HALT!
[Subject continues attempting to approach Agent ██████ and begins screaming unintelligibly.]
(Agent ██████ fires his pistol twice into the subject\'s back.)
Subject: Nooo… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes… Remembering… Remembering everything... Everything… Everything about her now… Every detail about her and all of those other things she said that day when we met and she looked at those clouds and said "I\'ll always remember everything." After all that time she just looked up and smiled at them and said "I\'ll always remember." And then she pointed her finger at the clouds and said "I\'ll always remember." And then she turned around and looked at me and smiled again and said "I\'ll always remember." And then she looked back at those damn clouds and said "I\'ll always remember." And then she said "I\'ll always remember." And then she said "I\'ll always remember." And then she said "I\'ll always remember." And then she said "I\'ll always remember." And then she said "No matter what happens or what happened." She said "No matter what happens or what happened." And then she said "No matter what happens or what happened." And then she looked at me and smiled again and again said "No matter what happens or what happened." And then she said "No matter what happens or what happened." And then she said "No matter what happens or what happened" over and over again until we got back into the boat and went home and we never talked about it again but I think about it every day and I\'m sure you do too because you\'re gonna see that I\'m right about it because look!" He pointed back at the boat again. It moved. It took us somewhere again because we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we\'re not dead we are going home because I know why I\'m still alive I know why I\'m still alive I know why I\'m still alive because my name is [inaudible]. We\'ve been waiting for this place forever it\'s been so long since you last remembered because this place is where it all started so don\'t forget anything we talked about because you might forget if you didn\'t remember anything else first OK? Stop yelling or else this would be over before it even began because I want it done because it\'s gonna be done because it\'s gotta be done so stop yelling OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? OK? Okay? OK? OK? OK? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? Alright? alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? Alright!? (Subject collapses from blood loss.)
Closing Statement: Interviews with possible descendants of those lost on the USS Arizona have been suspended indefinitely pending further research.