Item #: SCP-606
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-606 is contained in an aquatic containment chamber at Bio-Site-03. To prevent SCP-606 from escaping, a pool of water at least 10 m in diameter is maintained in the containment chamber. A single permanent guard is to be stationed outside the containment chamber.
Daily tests are to be conducted on SCP-600 and the SCP-606 organism's DNA.
Description: The organism designated SCP-606 appears to be an aquatic, cephalopod organism with four overlapping arms. SCP-606 lacks eyes, however these are believed to be located on the dorsal surface of its body. It has five tentacles, each tipped with a fleshy structure which has a sharp end facing forward. The tip of SCP-601 is shaped like a modified nautilus.
SCP-606 can expel a pulsating fluid from its outer membrane through glands located at the tips of its appendages. This fluid is able to stretch and contract in a controlled manner, propelling the organism through water. The substance expelled by SCP-606 is not poisonous or otherwise harmful to humans or other organisms. SCP-606 will expel this substance into an open area if given the opportunity. SCP-606 also emits sounds which have been likened to screaming, and don't seem to be capable of being translated as any language known to man.
SCP-601 is an anomaly caused by an unknown mechanism. Currently it remains undiscovered, although video recordings suggest that it only occurs when SCP-606 expels its luminescent ink into a nearby area.
Addendum 6.1: Discovery Log
SCP-606 was discovered in the Marshall Islands, in a remote village. It was being used by the inhabitants to hunt in the ocean, although no signs of any other lifeform were present. The inhabitants of the village were contacted and brought to the containment chamber of SCP-606, which they have been living in since.