Picture of SCP-608.
Item #: SCP-608
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-608 is to be stored in a Standard Containment Locker at Site-17. Access to SCP-608 requires authorisation from at least one (1) Level 3 or higher personnel with access to SCP-608. No objects or individuals currently have access authorization.
Description: SCP-608 is a green leather belt measuring approximately 17cm in width, with a black leather tabbing area measuring approximately 7cm in length. The composition of SCP-608 does not have any organic or synthetic components. When worn by an individual, SCP-608 displays properties identical to those of an ordinary pair of pants. However, supplemental information obtained from the subject wearing SCP-608 reveals that the subject's body will appear as if wearing nothing at all, regardless of the subject's typical appearance when dressed.
SCP-608 can be found in conjunction with the following aural phenomena:
Interviewed subjects report hearing a booming sound resembling faraway thunder when wearing SCP-608 and claiming to feel the vibrations from their entire body.
Addendum 608-1: SCP-608 was discovered following reports of a "belt storm" in ███████, Ireland on the ██th of June, 2006. Witnesses reported hearing loud booms and vibrations from the sky, and claimed that the noise was coming from SCP-608. After local authorities were alerted to SCP-608, they were found to have been affected by SCP-608 as well. The anomaly\'s effect on the environment was examined by Mobile Task Force Rho-8 ("Thunderheads") assigned to investigate the cause of the phenomenon.
SCP-608 was contained by MTF Rho-8 after receiving authorization from Site-17 and subsequently stored in Containment Locker #3 at Site-17.