Picture of SCP-609.
Item #: SCP-609
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-609 is currently contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. The creature is fed once daily via the standard SCF feeding method. All personnel interacting with SCP-609 are to wear full body biohazard suits, and communicate solely through prearranged voice modulators, due to the aggressive nature of its mental speech patterns.
Any personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-609 should be escorted by 3 armed guards at all times to avoid hostile or accidental physical contact. SCP-609 itself is to remain sedentary within its containment cell at all times.
Description: SCP-609 is a female hunchbacked humanoid, approximately 1.4 meters tall, weighing about 50 kilograms. SCP-609 possesses a pronounced sloping back and abnormally strong legs which allow it to reach higher (and thus better) levels of physical fitness than humans.
SCP-609's body chemistry is unique, leading to an unusually high level of an unidentified polymer being produced by its skeletal system and viscera. The polymer absorbs light around the visible spectrum and converts it into heat at a rate approximately three times that of standard human tissue. This heating process has been shown to cause necrosis in regions of the subject's skeleton, including the spina bifida on its spine.
Discovery: SCP-610 was discovered on ██/██/████ in a firehouse in [REDACTED], Florida after a report had been filed by firefighters for performance issues (reports indicated speech difficulties, as well as occasional violent episodes). Upon examination by Foundation agents posing as doctors, it was determined that there were no medical problems aside from minor structural imperfections in the subject's rib cage, pelvis, and lower leg bones.
Upon interviewing the subject (who spoke through a special vocal amplifier) it was discovered that the subject had suffered two separate work-related injuries while working at a warehouse in [REDACTED].
The first incident occurred several months prior to discovery when the subject performed shift duty carrying large boxes containing devices used for liquid observation. While moving one of these devices the subject fell on top of the device and shattered part of its hip bone, leading to sudden admissions to hospital for treatment. At this time the device was returned to its original crate along with all other damaged items from the warehouse.
The second incident occurred only days later when the subject was attempting to move a heavy water pipe from place to place (the pipe weighed over 140 kilograms). As the pipe collapsed under its weight and knocked the subject down, she sustained severe spinal injuries when her head crashed into one of the metal supports beneath her feet. She remained unconscious for several hours before receiving emergency treatment at local hospitals. Following this injury SCP-610 displayed blatant and violent aggression towards itself, finding ways to damage critical organs and crippling limbs in an attempt to inflict harm upon itself once more. The resulting surgeries prevented any further permanent damage to SCP-610's skeleton; however it was still unable to work due to extensive nerve damage caused by blunt trauma in addition to persistent pain and swelling in her extremities.
SCP-609 was slated for release by the Foundation due to being deemed "too dangerous to be left alive" and not having any known means of causing further harm. However after several months of inactivity and tests, it was discovered that SCP-609 could be taught to perform simple tasks and survive without causing any permanent damage to its own body. The Foundation\'s proposal to euthanize SCP-609 was ultimately rejected, with termination of the subject scheduled to occur in five days.
On ██/██/████ the subject was sedated and taken to Foundation medical facilities where it was prepared for termination via a procedure that would remove all vital organs and prevent the subjects ability to cause harm to itself. This would have effectively prevented any further violent acts. However on the day prior to the scheduled termination a doctor who had been observing the subject for several months noticed that one of its legs had begun to grow at an alarming rate, eventually reaching a height of over 2 meters as the leg continued to extend. The leg then detached from the rest of the body, crushing the lower half of its spine and its pelvis, before moving into another room at an estimated speed of 10 kilometers per hour. As this occurred, the remaining part of the subject\'s leg reattached itself onto its upper torso and began growing at an even faster rate.
As every other part of the subject\'s body had yet to reach any size beyond that of a child, no other doctors or guards were present in the room at the time, leaving two security personnel stationed outside until visibility returned. During this time one guard witnessed the subjects head detach from its body while it was still attached to its spine, before retreating into a corner under the impression that it was some kind of human-sized puppet. Both guards were unable to move their eyes away from what they described as a "giant mandible" opening up on top of them and extending towards them before they lost consciousness.
The remaining 3/5ths of SCP-609 (who had detached itself from its spine) is currently undergoing standard testing for anomalous effects.