Picture of SCP-613.
Item #: SCP-613
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-613 is to be kept in a storage locker at Site-██. Interaction with SCP-613 outside of testing is prohibited.
Description: SCP-613 is a single-piece teapot, made of ceramic and decorated with a pattern of small pebbles of varying size. Its dimensions are 18.1cm (diameter) by 12.6cm (height). SCP-613's decalcified interior is identical to that of many early 20th century teapots.
SCP-613 is capable of producing radioactive tea due to its anomalous nature as a nuclear power source. When not in use, SCP-613 does not appear to emit radiation; however, it will begin emitting approximately one gram of radiation for every four cups of tea brewed from it. In addition to the radioactivity causes by brewing SCP-613's tea, SCP-613 displays no ill effects from the activity.
Upon first contacting the interior surface of SCP-613 with boiling water, anyone drinking from it will experience hallucinogenic effects similar to those produced by exposure to high doses of radiation. While under the influence, subjects report sensations of being fully infused into the item's radioactive substance. Subjects have reported feeling this sensation all over their bodies, including in their organs and bones.
Addendum: Testing Log
The following is a list of tests performed on SCP-613.
Test 613-1
Subject: D-161
Procedure: Subject drank from SCP-613 seven times.
Result: Subject reported that he was "part of the object\'s substance". After this test, subject reported experiencing mild pain in his left hand and arm.
Test 613-2
Subject: D-161
Procedure: Subject drank from SCP-613 seven times.
Result: Subject reported feeling as if his entire body were "being eaten by the tea." After this test, subject reported experiencing severe pain in his left arm and hand.
Test 613-3
Subject: D-161
Procedure: Subject drank from SCP-613 two times.
Result: Subject reported feeling as if the "tea was expanding and invading him". After this test, subject reported severe spasms in his left arm and hand.
Test 613-4
Subject: D-161
Procedure: Subject had their veins connected to SCP-613 through a series of plastic tubing. A simulated blood sample was taken from the subject every five minutes.
Result: After five hours, subject began to suffer severe deterioration in their physical condition. Tests were terminated after three days due to subject\'s failure to maintain adequate vital signs. Autopsy of the subject revealed that his left arm was beginning to decompose and dissolve into the interior of SCP-613.(See Addendum 613-4)
Test 613-5
Subject: D-161
Procedure: Subject drank from SCP-613 once.
Result: Subject reported extreme swelling in their left leg and foot, as well as intense pain in their lower back and buttocks. Tests later revealed that the subject\'s left leg had become entirely replaced with SCP-613\'s interior substance, with no traces of the original flesh remaining. Manual removal of the substance proved impossible; surgeons could not locate any real skeletal structure beneath it.