
Picture of SCP-615.

Item #: SCP-615

Object Class: Safe Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-615 is to be contained in a standard containment locker, located on site 4. Standard level 3 personnel are to guard this area at all times. Only Level 4 personnel have authorization to access this area.

Personnel with clearance to open the case are to be briefed on potential hazards of opening said case.

Description: SCP-615 is a cargo ship of unremarkable appearance. The ship itself has no particular anomalous properties (such as being built of lead or having living creatures living inside). SCP-615 does, however, carry a single containment locker, containing the 3 containers presented in this document.

When the key to one of these containers is removed and returned to its original location, it will detonate, destroying all items within the container, as well as any personnel carrying out their duties nearby at the time. The container will then be rendered inert once again.

SCP-615 was discovered on March 29th, 1966 in ██████ under the designation [DATA EXPUNGED]. This area was declared a crime scene following the destruction of SCP-615 by destroying its contents. No leads regarding source of SCP-615 have been found since.

All instances of SCP-690 are identical to each other. It is unknown if this is intentional or not. Objects that have been contained by SCP-690 retain the memories of their previous owners - so far, only test subjects from Foundation research have been known to retain memory of their last time using SCP-690.



The following is a list of the known instances of SCP-690.

Test Log 690-A

Subject: D-█████

Scene: Site 4, containment area

Notes: D-█████ was instructed to open SCP-690, and remove its contents. When he made contact with the object, he was immediately paralyzed by unknown means, and had his skull crushed by the object. He died 3 hours later of cranial trauma.

Analysis: It is unclear if this death was an accident or an intentional result of the test.

Subject: D-█████

Scene: Site 4, containment area

Notes: D-█████ was instructed to open SCP-690, and remove its contents. When he made contact with the object, he was immediately paralyzed by unknown means, but was not crushed by it, as happened in Test Log 690-A. He died 3 days later of cranial trauma.

Analysis: This death cannot be considered accidental.

Subject: D-█████

Scene: Site 4, containment area

Notes: D-█████ was instructed to open SCP-690, and remove its contents. When he made contact with the object, he was immediately paralyzed by unknown means, but was not crushed by it. He died 5 days later of cranial trauma.

Analysis: This death cannot be considered accidental.

Test Log 690-B

Subject: D-█████

Scene: Site 4, containment area

Notes: D-█████ was instructed to open SCP-690, and remove its contents. When he made contact with the object, he was immediately paralyzed by unknown means - however, when the object moved to crush him, he was able to escape it's grasp. He died 10 days later of cranial trauma.

Analysis: Same result as Test Log 690-A - this death cannot be considered accidental.