Picture of SCP-619.
Item #: SCP-619
Object Class: Omega Protocol
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-619 is currently housed in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-17. A guard must observe the test chamber at all times, and may leave his post only for testing purposes. Guard staff are to be of average physical condition, and must be able to operate at least one firearm. Guards are to remain in the chamber until SCP-619 has been escorted out by security; testing may continue after SCP-619 has been removed from SCP-619 chamber, but must stop upon SCP-619's return to the chamber.
Description: SCP-619 is a Caucasian male, approximately 24 years of age. SCP-619 has claimed to be 45 years old, from a rural town in the American Midwest. In addition, SCP-619 has been recorded as saying "I am too old for you." However, due to SCP-619's age and fastidious appearance, Foundation agents have no way of verifying this claim.
When questioned about their background, SCP-619 will use their hands and legs to describe a person or object. This description is always accurate when viewed by an outside observer. Once asked to describe where they live, they will describe the exact house they are currently occupying. When asked how they entered their current residence, they will draw a picture of the doors and windows being unlocked at night. When asked to draw the inside of their dwelling, they will draw a house identical to the one they are currently staying in. When asked why they chose their current residence, SCP-619 will describe family members and long lost friends living there. When tested on this point further, SCP-619 will claim that they have not seen or spoken with them since they were five or six years old. Addendum: It has been hypothesized that SCP-619's memories may originate from another reality. If true it would explain how SCP-619 appears to always know what an observer is thinking about, without them stating anything with them. A man claiming to be 26 years of age currently resides at the same address as SCP-619.
Addendum: SCP-619 was initially contained in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The containment chamber was then filled with concrete and converted into a test chamber. After only one week of testing, SCP-619 began showing signs of dementia and moved to quarters provided through Foundation funding. Foundation funds were used to provide SCP-619 with more comfortable living conditions, as well as a small stipend to offset the cost of care.
Test 619-1: On 02/27/████, SCP-619 was to be tested on their memory retention. A number of photographs were shown to SCP-619, which would be taken of him at various stages in his life. When asked to describe himself, SCP-619 would draw a person that looked similar to themselves from the photographs. Shortly after being shown photographs of themselves as a child, SCP-619's demeanor became more relaxed.
Researcher's Note: It is unclear whether or not SCP-619 is capable of remembering what an observer remembers about them. Further tests are required to determine this.