Picture of SCP-621.
Item #: SCP-621
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All known accounts of SCP-621 are to be gathered and all attempts to locate SCP-621 are to be blocked. Attempts at locating the initial point of discovery are currently underway.
Description: SCP-621 has the outward appearance of a normal propellor lawn mower with a combined horsepower rating of approximately 60 hp. On the inner surface of SCP-621's blade, however, is a system of hidden gears and pulleys that allow SCP-621 to propel itself at speeds of up to 130 km/h. SCP-621 is also capable of hovering in one place for indefinite periods of time, using its built-in jet propulsion.
SCP-621 is able to communicate through an unknown process with a small number (██) of individuals initially discovered by it through human encounters at random points throughout the United States . Messages relayed by SCP-621 are often recorded by witnesses. Because of this, Foundation researchers have been unable to conclusively decrypt SCP-621's messages in any way.
When forcibly separated from humans during its hovered state, SCP-621 will attempt to return to them as soon as possible. If it is unable to do so, it will begin lobbying Foundation personnel on how they should be dealt with. It has demonstrated the ability to bribe Foundation agents, threaten them by death or dismemberment if they resist, and even convince them to attack each other instead of attempting to remove SCP-621. The method used varies depending on whether SCP-621 has been separated from its initial point of discovery; after being separated more than three times, instances will only behave violently if physically prevented from returning.
In order to prevent further loss of life due to SCP-621's influence (as well as avoid damage to Foundation facilities), all attempts at location should be blocked until containment is complete.
Addendum 621-A:
One week after the initial containment of SCP-621, a Foundation researcher was sent to a local home improvement store to purchase an irrigation system for their garden. While at the store, she observed an elderly man in a camouflage uniform cleaning the windows of the storefront with a large broom. The employee greeted her and explained that the man was a security guard/janitor and had been hired by the store\'s previous owner to keep the place clean. He had worked there for █ years, apparently since his retirement.
On closer inspection, the employee noticed that the guard wore a hard hat and sunglasses; there was no apparent reflection of him in any of the windows. The guard then proceeded to hand over SCP-621 to the employee, telling her that it was "a gift from John Wayne." She declined to accept it, stating that she was not John Wayne\'s fan and did not want to receive such a gift.