Picture of SCP-623.
Item #: SCP-623
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-623 is to be contained in a D-class vivarium, with access limited to D-class personnel. No items are to be brought into SCP-623’s containment cell, as it has demonstrated a low level of sentience and an instinctual need to keep everything contained.
All research subjects of SCP-623 must be administered Class-C amnestics before assuming the role of the object’s current captive. As of 3/17/2016, this procedure has been extended to all D-class personnel who may come into contact with SCP-623 for the purposes of testing; see Experiment 623 for details.
Description: SCP-623 is a medium-sized monkey (Macaca nigra) with yellow fur found in ██████, Nigeria. The SCP was initially contained and contained by D-class personnel before its anomalous properties became apparent.
SCP-623 displays anomalous behavior when placed within an environment where it can act freely and be observed by others. The object will take on properties of the type of items it is confined in, altering its physical form and personality to reflect this change.
The most common effects are as follows:
When deprived of any item which it has an affinity to, SCP-623 will immediately begin collecting these items. This begins as very small quantities; however, if the item is not consumed or discarded within two weeks, it will begin attempting to alter its body size, mass, and appearance to match that of the item. If given enough time, SCP-623 will attempt to replicate the items’ properties while retaining their forms. It is unknown how long SCP-623 can maintain this phenomena due to lack of testing subjects capable of consuming enough items to sustain this change.
Testing subjects are required to remain awake for the entire duration of each test. For example:
Procedure for testing the ability for D-class personnel to sustain the effects of SCP-623’s effects has been approved following repeated failures from previous testing subjects.
In addition to creating a new entity each time a subject becomes incapable of consuming any variety of food, SCP-623 has demonstrated a degree of sentience, awareness, and willpower comparable to that of an adult human being. When under its influence, D-class personnel have an innate desire to continue performing actions involving SCP-623; however, if these actions have no bearing on the subject’s wellbeing or welfare, they show no urge to do so.
SCP-623 has proven itself capable of recognizing the present living conditions of its current “possessors” through tracking events such as meals and sleeping times. It will then make efforts to prevent this state from occurring at all costs until such times as it can claim another prisoner or otherwise acquire an item necessary for sustenance.
Addendum 623A: On 3/22/2016, SCP-623 was observed attempting to escape from its containment cell. D-class personnel were able to subdue the entity and placed it back in its cell before escaping. However, SCP-623 was able to keep itself contained by utilizing the surrounding area as a cage. D-class personnel who were brought in to assist in the containment of SCP-623 were also able to avoid the effects of SCP-623’s anomalous properties.