
Picture of SCP-628.

Item #: SCP-628

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-628 is contained indoors in a containment cell measuring 3m x 3m. The object is to be maintained at an ambient temperature of 22 degrees Celsius and humidity level of 10% during non-operation periods. During operation, SCP-628 is to be kept within a sealed chamber measuring 2m x 1m with an air flow of no more than 5 cubic meters per hour.

Description: SCP-628 is a scale model of the digestive system of a human, constructed of high quality plastics. The object weighs 590 grams. It was built by SCP-628-A and SCP-628-B in 1973 with the assistance of another man who is unknown. The Foundation was made aware of the item through a tip from across the country by Agent ████████ in 1990.

SCP-628 exhibits properties similar to that of its real world counterpart. SCP-628 is capable of digesting food and some water, storing it in its stomach, then excreting it as feces and urine later on. While SCP-628 is non-mobile, due to its mass not being sufficient to properly propel itself, it can be moved around when necessary by means of sliding along indoor floor surfaces until it reaches an exit or barrier. No matter where SCP-628 goes, it will always return to its previous position within twenty minutes for future use.

SCP-628's anomalous properties become active after being given both a mental command and an appropriate amount of liquid food to consume. If both conditions have not been met, no anomalous properties will be activated. When both conditions are met, SCP-628 will proceed to raise itself up onto two hind legs before sitting upright with its back facing a human subject standing at least 2m away from it. As the subject approaches, SCP-628 proceeds to lower itself down until the subject stands directly underneath the object between its hind legs which are kept spread apart until further notice. Upon contact with SCP-628's hind legs, the subject's head will become enveloped within SCP-628's internal mouth until they awake inside SCP-628's stomach while still attached by their head to the object whose mouth they are in. After approximately 30 minutes, the subject is digested. Excreta and urine produced by SCP-628 will be expelled unharmed once outside of its mouth and stored with saliva and mucus immediately after exiting the object's mouth while saliva produced by human subjects will be stored in containers capable of retaining heat at approximately 42 degrees Celsius until disposed of.

Following recovery from containment in 1990, testing has revealed that individuals who dream about having their jaw muscles exercised through eating have reported feeling as though they have been transformed into "endless stomachs" which continue indefinitely without sleeping for a total period over 8 years for subjects who may have undergone more than one test session.

Addendum: SCP-628 was recovered from a house in ████, ████ on the night of █/██/1990 after a tip off by Agent ████████ who had been contacted by SCP-628-A via phone shortly after the tip off. The house was owned by an individual known only as "Mr. ████████", who was found dead in the house at the time of recovery. The cause of death has not been determined due to the lack of a body. A total of six individuals have been found inside SCP-628 with the same appearance, age, and gender as Mr. ████████, though none of them have any knowledge of being within SCP-628.