
Picture of SCP-634.

Item #: SCP-634

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The area of space referred to as the SCP-634 system is to remain off limits to all non-Foundation vessels. Any Foundation vessels found within the SCP-634 system are to be intercepted and confiscated as Class █ hostile vessels. Foundation personnel are to monitor any Foundation discoveries made in the SCP-634 system, and determine which Foundation assets are responsible for the system and remove them from Foundation control.

The current removal of a possible cultural artifact (see below) is to be postponed pending further investigation by the proper scientific department.

No other Foundation efforts are to be made to venture into or control territory occupied by SCP-634. Expeditions must be approved by this office, and may only be used for research of anomalous phenomena.

As per standard containment policy, no live subjects are allowed in or near the SCP-634 system. This includes humans, animals, or inanimate objects. All animal and human test subjects are to be disposed of immediately after testing. Any surviving subjects are to be contained within Site-██ until termination at their own request. A special escape pod has been constructed and stocked with any necessary supplies for this purpose.

Any information regarding the possibility of an artifact within the SCP-634 system is to be reported at once to this office for review.

Discovery Log:

SCP-634 was discovered on ██/██/2011, when a civilian Foundation vessel attempted an unauthorized survey mission within one of its known anomalies (see above). The vessel entered the anomaly and was then subject to a violent manifestation event caused by SCP-634. Most of the crew were destroyed in the short duration of the event, leaving only Dr. Javad Tafreshidashtari alive. Dr. Tafreshidashtari managed to activate emergency protocols before being terminated by a lava eruption caused by a volcanic disturbance within the interior of SCP-634, but not before ejecting himself from his ship with his emergency pod in order to survive the encounter.

Description: SCP-634 is an anomalous system of space comprised primarily of three planets, each at least a match to the Earth in both surface area and mass. All planets are composed entirely of iron, with the exception being one which is composed of iron-silicates. Each planet has an atmosphere which is strongly dependent on the internal source of heat within that planet. Prolonged exposure to atmospheric oxygen can cause humans and animals to suffer from a terrible case of asphyxiation if not appropriately protected.

During the survey mission, Dr. Tafreshidashtari was able to narrowly escape the lava eruption caused by SCP-634's volcanic activity by ejecting himself into vacuum before death. Upon ejection, Dr Tafreshidashtari's emergency pod used its thrusters to travel over twenty thousand kilometers before splashing into the water near [REDACTED] in the Arctic Ocean (See Discovery Log). Interrogation revealed that Dr. Tafreshidashtari was specifically sent on this mission by his superior, Dr. ██████, due to her belief in the concept of SCP-634's existence. Since then he has been stationed on site when not attending to Foundation activities outside dated for SCP-634 exploration or containment.

Addendum: The following is an excerpt from a log kept by Dr. Tafreshidashtari regarding his observations on the anomaly.

Note: This log was recovered from Dr. Tafreshidashtari's emergency pod upon splashdown.

Dr. Javad Tafreshidashtari

Current date: ██/██/2011

Date: ██/██/2011

Time: ███ hours

Location: [REDACTED]

Cause of death: asphyxiation

Discovery: SCP-634

I have been given the opportunity to comment on the existence of a possible anomaly within the SCP-634 system, and I must say that I am in total agreement with my superiors. The concept of an anomalous system such as this is not impossible, and I can only assume that it is created by some sort of ancient alien technology. But what we have here is different from any other anomalous system that has been discovered before, for the simple fact that it is capable of affecting the area around it.

The system is composed of three planets, with each planet possessing its own atmosphere that is unique to the planet in question. The first planet is composed of iron, just like the Earth, but it possesses an oxygen-based atmosphere. The second planet is also composed of iron, but it possesses a nitrogen-based atmosphere. The third planet, which is closest to Earth in terms of mass, is composed of iron-silicates. Its atmosphere contains a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide based gases. As you can see, there is no pattern to the atmospheres of these planets, and they do not follow any logical pattern whatsoever. What kind of intelligent design could create such a system?

Now, we have already established that this system has some sort of effect on the area around itself, so let us take a look at the effects of each atmosphere on humans and animals. In order for humans to survive in this system for extended periods of time, we must wear undergarments (underwear specifically) made from materials that contain carbon dioxide based gases. These types of fabrics are used with breathing masks in order to protect us from the poisonous air within each atmosphere. The second planet, however, does not contain enough nitrogen to create a poison for humans or animals to breathe in for very long periods of time. In fact, if one were to spend years in this type of atmosphere, they would eventually die due to asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen in their blood. So, why did our survey team go into this atmosphere? Why did they not take appropriate measures to prevent themselves from asphyxiating?

I can only assume that they are stupid idiots who did not take the time to review their mission plan before they went into this atmosphere. However my superiors have already stated that it is expected that such a thing will happen when we send out survey teams into anomalous systems that cannot be controlled by Foundation personnel. My superiors have also said that I am free to use whatever methods I wish for survival in such situations when I find myself in similar situations outside of normal Foundation sanctioned missions. Therefore, as punishment for their stupidity, I propose using these methods to survive in this situation so that we may gain more information about this anomaly from Dr. ████████'s team and learn more about how it operates.