
Picture of SCP-643.

Item #: SCP-643

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All forms of SCP-643 are to be isolated from all other documents, books, and media sources. The areas in which SCP-643 specimens may take root after a successful intercept must be tracked and monitored for the presence of SCP-643 specimens.

Description: SCP-643 is a specific type of insect species, genus Loa Loa, which transmits to a human subject only after the subject has heard or read a specific text or passage. While this transmission is taking place, the subject will not be able to hear any other sounds regardless of their previous audio sensitivity.

After SCP-643 species have been successfully intercepted, they will immediately spread throughout the body and begin to produce active larvae within one week. These larvae are then able to produce new SCP-643 specimens.

In order to sustain SCP-643 specimens further, human hosts must also engage in regular speech. Speech that mimics spoken language (most commonly English) will create more effective hosts for SCP-643's development. If speech does not resemble spoken language, or if the speech is too fast or too slow for an average human being, then the host will be less likely to become a viable host for SCP-643 growth.

Addendum 643-1: On 03/03/19██, several SCP-643 specimens were intercepted at [REDACTED]. After multiple attempts at providing speech to the SCP-643 specimen, the subject produced a string of random numbers and letters. The subject then began to shake violently, followed by catastrophic brain hemorrhaging and loss of consciousness. Following this event, the subject was successfully removed from the SCP-643 specimen and transported to Site 19's medical wing.