Picture of SCP-645.
Item #: SCP-645
Object Class: Non-anomal
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-645 is to be kept in its cell at Site-12. It is to be provided with a diet of non-classified foodstuffs, and regular medical care. The cell is to be covered with a translucent film shielding its interior from direct observation.
Description: SCP-645 is a mammal of indeterminate species possibly resembling a raccoon or skunk. It appears to be capable of speech and possesses the intelligence level expected from its size. When kept in captivity, it has shown a tendency to make vocalizations with a tenor similar to that of an adolescent male human, but also with high pitch. The sounds produced by SCP-645 take the form of high-pitched shrieks and squeals.
SCP-645 is able to navigate through virtually any restricted passage, including locked doors and firewalls. SCP-645 is highly mobile and possesses an acute sense of direction. SCP-645 shows very little restraint against attacking humans, and will aggressively pursue individuals who are infected with SCP-███ if they enter its path. In addition, it demonstrates an ability to grasp objects with its paws in order to throw them at unsuspecting victims.
SCP-645 also displays polymorphic traits. A number of its traits appear fixed when it's not under observation, while other traits do not manifest until certain conditions are met:
When examining multiple specimens of SCP-645, several traits will remain constant; see Addendum for additional details.
Effective Containment of SCP-645 requires:
Discovery: The first report on SCP-645 came from Site 19 on 3/15/1960. A security officer was passing through an area adjacent to the cafeteria during lunchtime, when he noticed movement near one of the vents near the ceiling. He opened fire on it, but was unable to hit it despite three attempts. Some time later, after some review of security footage, it was discovered that a previously unknown agent of anomalous origin had entered Site 19.
Addendum: A partial list of traits exhibited by SCP-645:.
In addition, specimens of SCP-645 will exhibit a tendency to "collect" certain objects (see Addendum). The following list is a partial list of collected objects, indicating the number of specimens that have gathered the object in question.
SCP-645 was contained at Site 19 on 3/15/1960 and placed into standard humanoid containment. After several months, it was transferred to its current cell at Site 12.