Picture of SCP-650.
Item #: SCP-650
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-650 is to be kept in a locked safe in the Documentary Wing of Site-██. All research personnel must have clearance Level 3 or higher before being given access to SCP-650. All testing on SCP-650 requires the approval of two project managers, and all testing requires written permission from Dr. ██████████.
Description: SCP-650 is a large cookbook, titled "Oreo Recipe Book". The cover and interior pages are in good condition. Measurements taken from the inner pages indicate they were printed in [REDACTED].
The contents of SCP-650 are a collection of recipes for ████████ Oreos. When SCP-650 is opened, any person reading the recipe will instantly be able to prepare the specified dish without learning how to do so. The last line of each recipe is an instruction to the reader to follow the recipe by writing down the ingredients and amounts on paper.
After following this instruction, subjects will have all of the necessary cooking equipment and ingredients at their disposal, even if they have never seen them before. Additional ingredients will be brought to them by subordinates of anomalous individuals who are capable of performing tasks such as opening locked doors and breaking through walls. Subjects will also receive assistance from other SCP-650 readers, which consists of nonanomalous people who are able to perform tasks normally requiring multiple people (e.g., preparing meals for large groups). Subjects can also receive assistance from other readers who have already read portions of SCP-650 that correspond to their own recipes.
Subjects claim that when they write down their ingredient list, it appears under a normal sized table with enough space and utensils for all concerned. If a reader has not prepared or cooked anything using the same ingredients within a month, they will become unable to use any portion of their mental faculties until they have read more portions of SCP-650 or experienced some other cognitive restructuring similar to that created by amnestic drugs. After the subject has learned how to cook using the ingredients provided in their recipe, they will lose all knowledge of how to use said ingredients. However, subjects can keep copies of their original recipe as long as it does not change, and if it conflicts with another recipe entirely new subjects can be created who have access to both recipes.
Addendum: For a list of all recipes as they currently appear in SCP-650, see Appendix A. A short description of each recipe follows.
The first page is blank, with a section at the bottom labeled "How To Cook…" This section displays a diagram of a kitchen, with all the necessary equipment neatly arranged. As the reader reads the instructions in the rest of the book, the effects described on this diagram will occur. This process can be repeated indefinitely.