Picture of SCP-651.
Item #: SCP-651
Object Class: Neutral
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-651 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-5, located off-site. Its containment locker must be kept locked at all times; it may only be opened by authorized personnel to remove objects from SCP-651's entrance. The owner of any object removed from SCP-651 is to be injected with an antidote before participating in further testing.
The small amount of dust which falls to the floor of the experimental chamber has been collected and is currently stored in a biohazardous storage vault at Site-5.
Should SCP-651 begin exhibiting signs of aggression, Instructional Video A51A is to be played over the lab loudspeaker system. Personnel are not to panic or attempt to exit SCP-651's chamber until the video has concluded without incident.
Description: SCP-651 is a large, ornate steel sphere measuring 1.2 meters in diameter. The sphere contains an irregularly-shaped chamber, housing between 1 and 2 dozen steel jars arranged in three concentric rings, with a central 'door' at the top of the sphere.
The interior of SCP-651 is composed of approximately 300-400 tons of dust, which has remained unmoved since its containment and cannot be removed via conventional means. While most dust particles are smaller than 3 microns in size and readily settle to the bottom of SCP-651's walls, small quantities of heavier materials (primarily iron, graphite and other forms of carbon) have accumulated until the interior surface is evenly coated in a layer of black powder. Small particles of this powder can be seen suspended in the interior air; however, any attempts to remove it from SCP-651 by sifting, sweeping or even vacuuming have been unsuccessful so far.
When a human being enters SCP-651's chamber and remains within for more than 30 seconds without exiting, the dust surrounding their body begins to swirl around at high speed and change shape. Within 27 seconds, the dust assumes a humanoid outline of between 1.2 meters and 2 meters tall. This shape may vary from individual to individual (and even between two individuals), but follows a consistent physical template matching that described by SCP-████ and SCP-███; roughly humanoid with four arms, two legs, a head with prominent eyes and nose with external nostrils and mouth; male or female sex is determined by the clothing worn.
Each instance wears clothing typical for its species or social group (with the exception of SCP-651 itself). Clothing changes consistently over time; while newer examples display clothing that is more advanced than older samples, few instances have ever left SCP-651's chamber after first entering it. It appears that SCP-651's instance chooses its own clothing on the basis of its owner's social status or personal preference (either alone or in conjunction with specific other instances). Clothing will not change if removed from SCP-651 (and returned to it) before being placed on by either owner or instance; however, removal of clothing does not appear to interrupt feeding as untimely removal will only result in its replacement once outside SCP-651's chamber.
SCP-651 will remain stationary within its chamber while one human being remains within it; however, if multiple people enter it at the same time or attempt to leave before all persons have entered it then its movement characteristics are altered accordingly. It is capable of moving within its chamber along three independent axes: gravity (rising up off the floor), horizontal movement towards open doors or other points connected to its current orientation toward approaching humans (which may include walking sideways into doorways or climbing stairs), and rotation about vertical axis; however, it seems unable to move outwards from its own chamber space itself due to gravitational limitations mentioned above. If a person leaves SCP-651's chamber before all persons participating leave then it disappears from view inside SCP-651's walls until all persons have reentered it again - although during this period certain areas become covered in dust which will slowly settle out over time resulting in formation of additional copies which will also conform to any new occupants entering the room. Copies manifest indefinitely as long as any living beings remain in SCP-651's chamber.
It should be noted that after an object has been removed from SCP-651 there is no visible evidence indicating where it has gone despite complete lack of dust settling on floors near affected area. It should also be noted that personnel who have entered SCP-651 under circumstances where they were not attempting to leave prior to entering did not experience any unusual effects once inside regardless of whether they remained inside for less than 30 seconds or longer than this duration.
Addendum: SCP-651 was first discovered in the early 20th Century following the death of a man named █████ █████, who had been living in a small village in what is now Russia. The local priest, Father ████████, was summoned to the home of █████ █████ after he (the deceased) was found lying on the floor of his house with severe head trauma. Upon arrival, Father ████████ noticed that there was a small patch of dust on the floor around the body which appeared to resemble a female humanoid. After it rose up and spoke to him (in Russian), he brought it along and contacted the local authorities.
The body was later exhumed with the assistance of local authorities as part of an investigation into the circumstances surrounding █████ █████\'s death and was taken to a medical facility in Moscow for examination. The body was then taken to Site-9 for dissection; it appears that it was partially human within its chest cavity but had no internal organs or other organs attached to it. This section of SCP-651 contained one hand-sized piece of parchment paper with a single word written on it: "Mahen."
While initially believing that this referred to the name of some mythical creature or ghost, Foundation personnel eventually concluded that this must have been a message from the individual who owned SCP-651; however, no other communication has ever been recovered from SCP-651\'s message.
Shortly thereafter, Site-9 was placed under quarantine due to an outbreak of heavy metal poisoning in several staff members. Following extensive testing finding no apparent cause for the symptoms of SCP-651\'s victims, Dr. ████████ theorized that SCP-651 must be producing harmful quantities of dust from within its walls and causing it to rain down on anyone inside its chamber. He theorized that these dust particles contained something or someone who could cause metal poisoning in humans - hence the name "SCP-651". Dr. ████████\'s theory proved correct when testing revealed that SCP-651 contained a small amount of iron ore as well as microscopic quantities of graphite and powdered carbon. Further testing also determined that normal exposure to dust caused by SCP-651 is not harmful, although this is in direct contradiction to the findings of all previous tests.