Picture of SCP-655.
Item #: SCP-655
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-655 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-██. SCP-655 is to be provided with at least 1 liter of purified water daily from a specialized containment cell created to account for its unusual dietary needs. SCP-655 is not to be provided with food, drink, or other objects from which it can extract liquid until the end of testing. Until further notice, all testing must be done by D-class personnel only.
Description: SCP-655 demonstrates behavior consistent with a bipedal, sapient, humanoid lifeform composed of an unknown form of liquid. SCP-655 is capable of locomotion on solid ground (but not in water) without any apparent difficulty.
SCP-655 is extremely thirsty and will consume anything that will quench its thirst. All attempts to dehydrate SCP-655 have failed, even after it has consumed approximately 10 liters of water. SCP-655 appears to have no limits to its caloric intake and requires at least 1 liter of water from which it can extract liquid daily. Adding extra fluid to SCP-655’s cell does not cause it to become “full” any faster, but will simply display the same behavior as drinking normally.
If an individual were able to drink directly from SCP-655 they would experience severe abdominal pain, accompanied by a massive amount of liquid being drawn into the body at great speed. This continues for 24 hours unless the individual is provided with the aforementioned 1 liter of water either in a large volume such as a glass or a baggie (especially important for D-class personnel), or by [DATA EXPUNGED]. The volume that the individual would need to drink would vary wildly depending on their physiology, and would be between one quarter and 1 liter per hour. Upon achieving this level of dehydration, the individual would become unconscious until sufficient water was provided.
While in hypersleep, SCP-656 is unable to consume any fluids via this method, even if supplied with more water than normal, until awakened from its state. Individuals who do not meet the requirements above will instead enter a deep coma like state governed by the subject's hydration level. The length and depth of this coma varies greatly, but usually lasts between 30 seconds to 2 hours depending on the amount of water consumed prior to passing out. While in this state, the individual still seems conscious but displays no wakefulness other than when they are being conscious in response to stimuli such as touch or sound.
Below are images showing various stages of dehydration and hypersleep:
Addendum: On ██/██/20██, a mass of SCP-655, designated SCP-655-1, was discovered by Foundation agents embedded in the Port-au-Prince Interpol office. It was located in a locked storage room and contained in a plastic bag. A few inches of water had accumulated on the floor around it. When the agents entered the room, SCP-655-1 began to violently squirm and attempt to escape from the bag. The agents quickly subdued it and reported that it was trying to escape. After being secured and sedated, SCP-656 was removed from SCP-655-1\'s body and placed into its containment cell.
Additional testing has shown that when SCP-655 is in a body above three millimeters in diameter, SCP-655 will be able to entirely consume itself and its surroundings. This has been nicknamed "The World\'s End".