
Picture of SCP-657.

Item #: SCP-657

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All material evidence of SCP-657's anomalous properties is to be collected and stored in a standard containment locker. In the event that the manifestation of SCP-657 occurs within Foundation-controlled territory, all individuals affected by SCP-657 are to be detained until research into the object's identity can be conducted.

Description: SCP-657 is a large, roughly 3 cm diameter piece of copper that has been bent in such a way to resemble the shape of a left lateral incisor. The object's anomalous properties manifest when it is subject to direct physical contact with any biological organism capable of producing tooth calcium.

SCP-657 is capable of coursing through biological matter at a variable speed dependent on its surface area, with smaller examples traveling at speeds in excess of 100 meters per second and larger versions currently traveling at speeds in excess of 1000 meters per second. SCP-657 can also be moved towards or away from an individual by remote use of an electromagnet. While this effect is generally desirable for fluid transportation, the inability for an object's location to be accurately determined during transportation has resulted in several cases where it has been capable of traversing through spaces too small for it.

The object will remain with the organism it interacts with indefinitely, most commonly remaining embedded within the individual's mouth cavity but also becoming partially embedded in any jaw bone that comes into contact with it. SCP-657 will then function as a normal tooth until it reaches the end of its lifespan and will continue to generate tooth calcium until finally succumbing to corrosion or decay.

Other incidental effects have surfaced occasionally, including:

While not otherwise particularly hazardous, SCP-657 can still cause lethal conditions such as dental abscesses or cavitations, which may be difficult to treat if they are not recognized early.

Addendum: The following is a log of occurrences of SCP-657 on the public transportation systems of New York City, dated 1970-1984.

Date: 1970/12/08

Participants: Three unidentified individuals

Description: SCP-657 manifests within the mouth cavity of one of the three individuals. SCP-657 remains for approximately 15 seconds before beginning to move rapidly through the interior of the individual's body. SCP-657 then traverses the body via several large cavities, eventually exiting through the other two individuals' mouths and exiting the trunks of their cars.

SCP-657 does not display any properties during its passage through either orifice.

Date: 1974/08/04

Participants: Eighteen unidentified individuals

Description: SCP-657 manifests within the mouth cavity of one of the eighteen individuals. SCP-657 remains for approximately 30 seconds before beginning to move rapidly through the interior of the individual's body. SCP-657 then traverses the body via several large cavities, eventually exiting through the other seventeen individuals' mouths and exiting the trunks of their cars.

SCP-657 displays no anomalous properties during its passage through either orifice.