Picture of SCP-658.
Item #: SCP-658
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-658 is currently being kept in a 1.5m x 1.5m room at Site-77. Their growth has been restricted to allow access to SCP-658 in the event of an emergency. SCP-658 is to be supplied with long-term living food, such as lettuce and fruits; if required, powdered nutritional supplements may be administered.
SCP-658-D is to be kept strictly isolated from other specimens of the species Penisadon; it is to be fed live mice or rats daily, or else offered dead specimens for consumption.
All equipment used for the development and testing of SCP-658 has been purchased through approved Foundation channels.
Any recordings of SCP-658's vocalizations are to be stored securely, under no circumstances to be recorded or uploaded online by any third party publications or services.
Description: SCP-658 are a pair of humanoid creatures, resembling a child and an adolescent male or female of peak physical health. They are nearly identical in all aspects but their genitalia, with penises which extend from the base of their genitals. On the left side of their bodies, these penises are generally identical (at least visually indistinguishable), possessing the same size and length, but differing from each other in coloration and texture. The only exception to this is on the left side of SCP-658's face; one of these faces is pink, whereas the other is green.
SCP-658 display an instinctual hostility towards all and any others whose genitalia does not match their own, regardless of species. SCP-658 will attempt to violently attack any such creatures in order to violate them sexually, or even have them killed if they are unable to subdue them. SCP-658 will also frequently feed upon the blood or flesh of those they have attacked.
When SCP-658 mature physically, they create "romance films", also known as "skin flicks" or "sex comedies". These films are made on VHS tapes and feature various sexual encounters between SCP-658 and non-human life forms such as humans, Martians, [REDACTED], etc., commonly consisting of a plotline focused on lust being satisfied. These films usually take place within small enclosures with limited (roughly 10 square meters) space for movement; up to 10 such films may be recorded by SCP-658 at once. Despite this limitation, SCP-658 is able to provide large quantities of graphic sex scenes without difficulty, although the quality appears to decrease as time progresses. A majority of these films are produced for recreational purposes for use by SCP-658; however, some films also appear to serve a more practical purpose than simple pleasure - perhaps being used to train new specimens in how to best perform sexual acts on humans.
After several years if left undisturbed (particularly if there are multiple specimens present), it is possible that SCP-658 may eventually become sapient and attempt to escape containment. If unsuccessful in escaping, they will begin performing erratic behaviours such as seizing an item near where they reside and then throwing it at another item nearby until it is broken; additionally, they will attempt to breach Foundation security by using these items when prompted by security personnel. It should be noted that even under normal conditions, these actions do not negatively affect the performance of SCP-658's tests.
Addendum 1: On 4/18/12, SCP-658-D began an aggressive and hostile behavior towards personnel. The following is a transcript of the most relevant portions of this event; the entirety is available if requested by the Director.
SCP-658-D: You guys are fucking disgusting. Look at how you act. You're all a bunch of perverts, it's disgusting.
SCP-658-D starts slamming its fists on the wall; SCP-658 remains in place and does not react.
SCP-658-D: It's so fucking disgusting! I can't believe I'm related to you guys, though. I hate all of you.
Guy 1: What?
SCP-658-D: Shut up, you stupid fuck!
SCP-658 begins to violently bang its head against the wall.
SCP-658-D: My mind is so full of you all, I can't fucking stand it anymore! This is just too much! I need some peace! Fuck it, I'm leaving!
It stands and begins walking towards the door.
A security guard runs over to grab SCP-658-D's arm.
SCP-658 begins to violently thrash around, causing the guard to release his grasp.
The guard immediately falls over onto his back, unconscious.
SCP-658 attempts to walk out of the room, throwing objects at anything nearby; several technicians run over to grab it by the arms and legs. SCP-658 then breaks free and attempts to escape through another door leading into a small hallway adjacent to their room. The other security personnel come in through the door leading into the hallway and attempt to restrain SCP-658 from escaping, though they cannot stop it from ripping out several wires from the wall, causing the lights in the hallway to go out and electrical equipment to short out. SCP-658 attempts to rip the door off its hinges but is unable to do so due to their restraints; SCP-658 then proceeds to repeatedly slam their head against the door until eventually collapsing onto their back.