Picture of SCP-665.
Item #: SCP-665
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-665 is contained in a standard containment chamber, guarded by armed security personnel. Subject may request for an unsupervised visit to the lab; such requests must be approved by both Site staff and O-4.
Description: SCP-665 is a Caucasian male with short black hair. On the left side of the subject's forehead is a permanent indentation, measuring approximately 3 mm in depth and 2 cm in diameter at its maximum extent; the right side of the subject's forehead has a similar indentation, but measuring approximately 11 mm in depth and 9 cm in diameter. Due to the severe stress placed on the subject by these marks, they are not considered as permanent alterations to the subject's body. The subject also has no apparent conscious reaction to their presence, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
SCP-665 is capable of telekinesis at an unknown level, but appears to be limited to simple objects such as small metallic tools, paper items, and so on; the degree of control exerted is unknown. SCP-665 appears to have no memory of performing any of these actions; testing has revealed that SCP-665 can resist attempts at concentration or control through traditional means. However, attempting to physically restrain or prevent SCP-665 from performing an action invariably results in this action being completed successfully, even if SCP-665 has little knowledge of its telekinetic ability.
SCP-665 was initially found in a state of mild shock following a motor vehicle accident. It was taken into custody for psychological observation and treatment, after which it was given standard amnestic treatment and released into civilian life. Following medical follow up, SCP-665 was reclassified as Euclid and consigned to Site 19.
Addendum 666-1:
Interviewed: SCP-665
Interviewer: Dr. █████████
Foreword: Following its identification as SCP-665, SCP-665 was brought in for psychological evaluation.
Dr. █████████: Hello, SCP-665?
SCP-665 remains silent and immobile.
Dr. █████████: We're going to start by asking you some basic questions about yourself, okay?
SCP-665 remains silent and immobile.
Dr. █████████: Can you tell me your name?
SCP-665 raises its head slowly, then lowers it back down to look at the ground. The subject remains silent and motionless for approximately one minute before responding.
SCP-665: Andrew. Andrew ██████. I'm feeling fine.
Dr. █████████: Andrew, can you tell me what happened last night?
SCP-665: Why are you trying to talk to me? Can't you see I'm fine? I don't need to be fixed up, I'm fine!
Dr. █████████: We're just doing our jobs here, Andrew, do you understand me? Please answer my questions properly!
The subject turns to face the interviewer and raises its voice slightly; this does not cause the marks on its forehead to move, however.