
Picture of SCP-669.

Item #: SCP-669

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-669 are to be kept in secure storage at Site 67 until further notice. Staff members on duty at Site 67 are permitted to view SCP-669 once every 3 months for recreation purposes, with no more than a single viewing per week. In cases of emergency, approval from the current Head Researcher must be obtained before viewing. Staff members are prohibited from discussing the contents of SCP-669 outside the testing chambers under any circumstances.

Description: SCP-669 is a collection of 10 Soviet (now Russian) feature films. The titles and short descriptions for each film are listed below.

SCP-669 was discovered when several staff members at Site 67 became distressed after viewing the films in their entirety, often having severe nightmares afterwards. During the initial handling of SCP-669, Dr. ████ described the first film on view as "a beautiful work of art". After further exposure to SCP-673, Dr. ████ became reclusive and refused to discuss SCP-669 or view it again. Due to this, testing was approved by the current head researcher.

The films are listed below with brief descriptions:

Foundation personnel investigating possible parallels between other anomalous coma cases and SCP-669 have determined that a great majority of those who view SCP-669 experience similar actions during their dream state.

Addendum: SCP-669 was found in the possession of a man named ██████ ████ in ███████, Russia. Police reports have determined that the man had been missing for 3 days prior to his discovery. After questioning, it was determined that ████ disappeared after watching SCP-669.

Interview Log:


Dr. ████: Hello? Can you hear me?

███████ ████: Yes.

Dr. ████: What is your name?

███████ ████: I don't remember. It's not important.

Dr. ████: Please answer my question.

███████ ████: Why?

Dr. ████: I'm trying to help you. It's very important that I do so.

███████ ████: Help me? You can't help me. I've tried everything to make it stop, but nothing works. It just keeps going and going and going.

Dr. ████: Can you tell me what you saw in the film? The title or something? Maybe it'll jog your memory?

███████ ████: No, no, no, no, no, no . . . The credits start rolling and I see a man trapped in a room. He appears to be bleeding but he keeps running toward another door on the other side of the room. That's when it all gets hazy again and I wake up here in this hospital bed in this room with you and those soldiers [REDACTED] and the woman who looks like my mother [REDACTED] and the others standing around me. She's screaming my name over and over again but there's nothing I can do to stop her and they're all yelling at me, like they're trying to find out what's wrong with me, but I can't hear them because they're all too far away and everything is so loud and I just want to go back to the room with the door where the man was bleeding and the door where he went through, but now it's locked and there's a guard standing in front of it with a gun pointed at my head . . . oh god . . . please . . . I don't know what else to say . . . please . . . just end this already . . . please!