
Picture of SCP-671.

Item #: SCP-671

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-671 is to be kept in a locked vault at Site 19. There is to be no access allowed with the exception of approved personnel and testing.

Any personnel that enter SCP-671 must wear a full face SCUBA mask at all times. Any personnel that leave SCP-671 must do so through the same entrance they entered. Any that exit SCP-671, whether by using an exit or not, are not to return to the site until SCP-671 has been checked for damages.

Description: SCP-671 appears to be a large spinning top made of concrete. When spun by hand, it will spin for approximately 30 seconds before slowing significantly and stopping. When spun by the power of a motor, SCP-671 has been shown to spin for 48 minutes with no break in its rotation. The top is 55 cm in diameter.

SCP-671 is capable of producing any mass of water within itself at a rate of 1.2 liters per minute, regardless of how much or how little water has been inside it previously. This water is not considered to be any form of liquid, as it is already 99% ice by the time it exits SCP-671. It has also been noted that the amount of water created increases in proportion to the amount of "spin" achieved by SCP-671.

When a living organism enters SCP-671, the top will begin to spin extremely fast, causing severe damage to the organism. The organism will then be expelled from SCP-671 once it is no longer spinning.

SCP-671 does not appear to have any effect on plants.

Testing logs:

Addendum: Testing logs may be found on file with the permission of Dr. ███.

Incident Log:

SCP-671 was being tested by Dr. ███ in an effort to determine the effects of SCP-671 on a human subject.

Dr. ███ entered SCP-671, causing it to begin spinning rapidly. Dr. ███ then removed an elderly male human subject from an adjacent room and brought it into SCP-671. After approximately 30 seconds of the top's normal spin rate, the subject collapsed and began convulsing violently for 30 seconds before stopping and being expelled from SCP-671.

Dr. ███ returned to his position at SCP-671, spun it once more, and no similar incidents occurred. However, later on, SCP-671 began to fail due to its exposed gears and bearings beginning to break down. A mechanical failure caused by excessive exposure to water is suspected.