
Picture of SCP-673.

Item #: SCP-673

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-673 is to be kept in a secure, low-traffic area at Site-56 with a camera trained on it at all times. No personnel are allowed to be within SCP-673's immediate vicinity without special clearance unless they are wearing protective gloves and clear safety goggles in order to prevent blindness or injury from the cluster of incredibly sharp glass shards produced by SCP-673. Access to SCP-673 is restricted to D-Class personnel or Level 1 personnel, whichever is higher. If a Level 3 containment breach occurs and the matter is deemed too dangerous for an entire Site to contain, immediately remove the affected personnel from the area and return them to their assigned duty post as soon as possible.

If a staff member who is not wearing the appropriate safety equipment asks to inspect SCP-673, have an agent on standby nearby and assign them to take care of the issue immediately. Additionally, staff members who leave their posts after becoming aware of SCP-673 do not have permission to return if they enter its proximity.

Description: SCP-673 is a collection of postcards from various locations around the world. When directly within SCP-673's vicinity, people attempting to read the postcards will experience extreme irritation and discomfort in their eyes; as a result, any contact with the cards results in immediate blindness. This effect does not occur if the person is outside SCP-673's area or does not have contact with any SCP object.

SCP-673 was recovered after two Foundation agents were attacked by an unknown entity while investigating it. The entity was observed to be able to teleport between locations throughout the US and Canada before being terminated. The identity of the entity is unknown at this time.

A majority of SCP-673's postcards are blank, but appear to be filled in with human blood. Research has shown that they are composed of human DNA, although no currently known methods can extract it from an object like SCP-673. Postcards placed at higher elevations (e.g., Mount Everest) appear more crumpled and disturbed than ones placed further away.

Addendum 173-1: A list of all known postcards from SCP-673, as well as their locations.

Postcard Location Description

SCP-673 is currently stored at Site-56 in the storage area for anomalous items. Any personnel wishing to view the object must first be given a protective suit and goggles, as well as a pair of sunglasses.