Picture of SCP-680.
Item #: SCP-680
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-680 is kept in an airtight container with a lid. Containment chamber 1 is to be filled to 4 m with inert mineral salt and placed in a temperature-controlled storage room with heating elements. SCP-680's containment chamber is to be equipped with an osmotic pump, which allows seawater to enter as needed.
Description: SCP-680 is a twenty (20) cm long Ancient Greek tuning fork (tf) with a small hole drilled through its handle. The sound produced by SCP-680 is that of a single note, now designated as "A" at 440 Hz. A tape recorder, to which SCP-680 was attached and subsequently removed, was found within the remains of SCP-680's storage chamber. The contents of the tape are currently being analyzed by the Foundation's audio experts.
SCP-680 induces a dissociative state in all non-Anomalous humans within 5 m. Test subjects report feeling light headed and their vision becomes blurred. After approximately one minute they begin experiencing strong wind gusts and heavy rainfall in a circular pattern centered on SCP-680. Within three minutes, the effects become violent and test subjects report severe pain in their joints, back and neck. Wind strength increases steadily until sixty seconds after the first use of SCP-680, when it becomes impossible for any human to escape its effect without serious injury or incapacitation.
The following data has been extracted from video surveillance evidence:
Addendum-1: The following video was found in the remains of SCP-680\'s storage chamber, with SCP-680 itself.
The tape appears to be an audio recording of a lecture given by Dr. █████ ████████, Director of the Foundation-affiliated █████ ██████████ ████████ Institute for Research into Higher Order Consciousness. Dr. ████████ is heard speaking over the tape for approximately four minutes before the recording abruptly ends.
The first use of SCP-680 occurs at thirty-two seconds into the recording when a thin beam of light appears in SCP-680\'s handle. SCP-680 begins emitting a high pitched sound of approximately four (4) octaves and changes pitch every one hundredth of a second. The beam is seen to travel through an opening in the ceiling, along with what appears to be a small black mass. When the mass leaves its enclosure, it produces several different sounds at random intervals, with no apparent pattern. At sixty seconds into the recording, a large gust of wind appears within the same room as SCP-680, which lasts until two minutes after the first use of SCP-680. At three minutes, Dr. ████████ is heard to say "The next test will show the effects of SCP-680 used on living humans."