Picture of SCP-681.
Item #: SCP-681
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-681 is to be kept in a cage large enough for it to move around freely. The tank's floor is to be lined with tarpaulin, and the only objects in the room other than SCP-681 are a fish tank heater and a large container filled with aquarium water.
Description: SCP-681 is a species of fish, though the specimen appears to have died in the wild. Its coloration is unusual, and its scales are abnormally colored and patterned. Its body structure is like that of a typical freshwater fish, but it exhibits a few distinct characteristics (see Addendum 681-a).
SCP-681 displays an abnormal level of intelligence. It can use tools, such as fishing lines and hooks, to navigate and manipulate its environment. It is capable of holding concepts such as "fishing pole", "hook" and "fishing lure". It shows a remarkable understanding of humans, having been observed to recognize individual people, although SCP-681's response to human behavior has only ever been amused at the very most. It does not appear to attempt communication with humans, or even acknowledge them as beings of equal intellect.
SCP-681 will exhibit several behaviors that indicate it understands the concept of death. When quickly caught, it will not fight back or try to escape. Instead, it will act calmly and wait for its imprisonment to end. SCP-681 has never shown any signs of distress when handled or examined by non-Foundation personnel. After being released from captivity, SCP-681 will immediately try to return home, ignoring attempts to stop it from leaving. Upon arrival at its home tank, SCP-680 will swim back into its cave after 9 hours without using any tools or body parts in order to unclog the entrance with their mouths.
Addendum 681-a: SCP-681's body structure
SCP-681 possesses a large, orange, clawed hand that is capable of moving and manipulating objects. The fingers are slightly longer than those of the average human, with three finger bones and several tendons. It is capable of using the fingers as well as its mouth to grab and manipulate objects. The lower portion of its mouth contains an additional set of teeth that it will use to tear its prey apart. It does not appear to be self-conscious about having this extra set of teeth, nor does it make any attempt to hide them when eating.