Picture of SCP-685.
Item #: SCP-685
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-685 are to be retrieved by Foundation agents, then placed in a standard containment locker. The immediate area surrounding the item is to be treated as a hazard zone, and personnel are not allowed to enter or approach it until the instance has been examined.
Instances of SCP-685 recovered should be sent immediately to Site-19 for testing. Subsequent incidents should also be investigated by Site-19 security personnel. Should the presence of an instance of SCP-685 be discovered by local authorities, Foundation personnel are to make all effort to prevent discovery of the object's exact location and containment procedures.
Description: SCP-685 objects are a group of six Derringer revolvers. While the weapons are identical in appearance, each object has its base serial number stamped on one side of the frame. The serial number of an instance is only unique to that instance, and always begins with "R".
SCP-685 instances will move around and act autonomously after being activated by a trigger action such as being dropped or struck. An SCP-685 object will begin moving through any obstacles it encounters and aim at any target it sees. Movement is not affected by gravity. After moving 50 meters (in 1 minute), the object automatically fires a bullet and continues moving, ignoring all obstacles until it stops again after approximately two minutes.
Instances of SCP-685 show little to no variation in behavior between each other and react identically to differing stimuli. If either the trigger action or weapon is removed from an instance, the object will cease movement and fire a bullet into the ground before returning to motionlessness. Removal of the trigger means that the instance will fire only if struck, while removing the revolver disables further firing until another action occurs, such as re-activation by someone striking or dropping the weapon. When firing an instanced revolver, it is not necessary for ammunition to be in place; however, not loading an instance will cause it to stop firing instantly when a trigger is pulled on any item with which it was previously loaded.
Addendum: Testing of instances of SCP-685 has shown that each object has a set number of bullets, which is different from the number of bullets loaded into the weapon. The ammunition load-out for an instance is as follows: