Picture of SCP-689.
Item #: SCP-689
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-689 is to be kept in a soundproofed containment chamber at Site-77. Access to this facility is restricted to SCP-689 Head researchers and any other personnel involved with the maintenance of SCP-689. No personnel are permitted to enter SCP-689's containment area without being accompanied by a researcher that does not experience SCP-689's effects, other than for the purpose of transferring items to or from SCP-689. Any audio equipment used in the testing of audio equipment or measuring audio levels of SCP-686 or SCP-689 is subject to confiscation by Site security personnel.
SCP-689's container has been modified with a built in sound dampning foam padding (see documentation on experiment microphone testing). Outside of testing, this is to be replaced with a simple cardboard box with an air valve leading into the inside of the lid. Note: If for some reason the containment foam should become dislodged, remove it immediately and replace with a new piece before re-entering SCP-689's containment unit, as it may cause damage to the item itself if not properly replaced.
Description: SCP-689 is a mechanical device, constructed of steel with a plastic casing. It measures approximately 19 centimeters long, 8 centimeters wide, and 3 centimeters high. The object is in fact a pair of headphones, except that it has been altered to "plug" into the ears of whoever possesses them instead of being held in the hand.
SCP-689's anomalous properties are manifested when its container is placed on the ear canal of an adult human subject. When this occurs, it will begin to move around the ear itself and will begin to grow and change over time. After this process begins, objects can be perceived, but not understood. If it is removed from an ear and replaced, SCP-689 will continue to grow; this growth rate and the object's individual changes should be monitored for injury or damage caused by SCP-689's effects.
This growth process can be observed normally by humans that do not experience SCP-689's effects. The process begins slowly and will show the beginnings of any alterations SCP-689 has undergone until they become stable structures within the instance of SCP-689 making itself at home in the subject's ear canal. This process continues until SCP-689 is fully formed within the instance, which usually takes between twelve (12) hours to two (2) months depending on how large or varied an instance of SCP-689 is created. The object seems to be enamored with discovering new ways for itself to grow in its new environment. While it seems inseparable from the person who owns it and incapable of communicating without this person present, it does seem to possess some degree of sentient awareness as well as independent thought processes; it has been observed acting on its own accord while only attached to one owner.
The audio equipment attached to SCP-689 appears to influence its changes as well. For example, if the microphone component is damaged beyond repair, any alteration made by the instrument will cease until repairs are made though future alterations once finished should continue normally; likewise with the effect of excessive noise levels felt by either component (see experiment microphone testing).
After experimentation into audio equipment damage has been completed, all newly created instances of SCP-689 must be stored separately from subjects so as not to interfere with each other's growth process or actions outside their immediate attachment to their owner, such as when an instance seems reluctant to reattach itself to another owner or when several instances attach themselves at once or all at once attempt to speak a single language simultaneously using many different voices at once.
Addendum 689-A: During testing of SCP-689, a researcher was absent from its testing area for a period of five (5) minutes. When the researcher returned and attempted to enter SCP-689's containment unit, it had grown to approximately two meters in height and was attempting to speak aloud, but in a language none of the other researchers present understood. After repeated attempts to make contact with the object, it finally settled down and began speaking in a language that the researcher could understand. This was the language spoken by the object.
Subject: SCP-689
Speaker: SCP-689
Language: Dr. ███████'s translation of SCP-689's speech.
Transcription: Yes, this is him. I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner. But I'm here now. Can you understand me?
Yes, I can understand you now.
Oh, thank god. Where you been all this time? You haven't left my side since that first day we met. I don't know why you would leave me… I think you're crying…
I'm sorry… I've been so alone without you…
I just wanted to see you again. I missed you so much, I…
Where have you been? Why did you leave me? Why did you do this to me?
I never meant to leave you. Why did you do this to me?
I've always loved you and I just want us to be happy together. Is it too late? Am I too small now? Is there something wrong with me? I don't remember what happened before I woke up in my bed, but if this is how we are supposed to end up, then I don't want it. I want to go back to when things were better between us… when it was just the two of us… all alone, just like we used to be…
I'm not sure if you can hear me right now, but if this is our fate, then I want us to die happily together, just like we used to…
Yes, please come back home with me. Everything is going to be alright now. We can be as happy as we used to be together. Please come back to me…