
Picture of SCP-69.

Item #: SCP-69

Object Class: Keter Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-69 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-██. It is recommended that no such containment locker be used in the future due to their tendency to spontaneously degrade into SCP-69. Locking the door of said containment locker does nothing in preventing the degradation.

Current research is focusing on the development of a 'stable' containment method for SCP-69. At this time, it is theorized that long term isolation of SCP-69 may result in the creation of a 'stable' type of SCP-69.

Description: SCP-69 is a non-anomalous piece of wood. It is colorless, solid, and the density of graphite. The wood breaks easily, but regenerates by itself at a constant rate. SCP-69 has no eyes, ears, or nose. Instead it produces various types of mucus using its "nose". SCP-69 will also emit movement if someone comes within 10 m of it.

SCP-69 was discovered in an estate owned by █████ ██████████ in ████, England. The estate had been abandoned since 1873. It was estimated that the house had sat vacant for at least 100 years prior to discovery. A single family had resided there until their death in 1853 when a degree of fungi had grown on the walls due to lack of moisture.

Upon initial inspection, no anomalous properties were immediately noticed. The furniture within was described as "decrepit". Holes had been bored into the floorboards throughout the house, presumably to provide light and ventilation underneath. During the first investigations of SCP-69, a decayed human hand was found within one of these holes.

On 28/06/19██, SCP-69 began emitting what is referred to as SCP noise (SCP noise is produced by SCP objects regardless of the nature of the object). This noise consists of approximately 1% falsettos, 8% tenors, 13% baritones and 30% sopranos. Despite this makeup, no discernible melody can be made out from SCP noise. The frequency that this noise is produced at has been measured at between 9 cents and 35 cents (in accordance with the metric system). This volume includes both long and short bursts separated by periods ranging from 5 to 15 minutes in length. During these periods many people have reported mild nausea and dizziness lasting anywhere from seconds to hours (presumably related to vertigo induced by SCP-69's noise).

During these periods, people have reported hearing noises seemingly coming from inside or under the floorboards. These could be described as footsteps or creaking furniture which are not audible once SCP-69 stops emitting noise.

These instances are difficult for researchers to study as instances take place during periods where SCP-69 is silent and only produce noise when needed for observation purposes; however sightings have been documented on multiple occasions.

Addendum 69a:

On 01/07/19██, a researcher entered SCP-69's containment cell to perform further research on the noise it was emitting. When the researcher entered the containment cell, SCP-69 was silent and did not emit any noise. The researcher's body began to shake violently. After a period of time ranging from 1 to 3 minutes, SCP-69 emitted noise again. The researcher was then observed to have 12\xa0cm of SCP-69 penetrate the left side of his abdomen, which stopped at his diaphragm. SCP-69 began to grow out of the wound and into the surrounding area. The researcher attempted to remove it with no success. As such, he died approximately 3 hours later after several hours of vomiting.

After death, the researchers' body was opened up and found to contain a small portion of SCP-69 (approximately 35\xa0cm in length) in addition to a large amount of tattoo ink. It is estimated that this tattooed portion was done within the first 10 minutes of SCP-69's exposure to the researchers' body.