Picture of SCP-714.
Item #: SCP-714
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-714 is to be housed within a small locker, fitted with the necessary components for the storage of controlled substances (see Addendum 714-01). SCP-714's anomalous properties are not to be used for any recreational or research purposes.
Description: SCP-714 is an anomalous item, consisting of a wooden log, adorned with a mural painted by an unknown person. The mural depicts a scene of an unknown place, facing the observer, and portrays an elderly man carrying an object or animal on his shoulders. The man is wearing a coat and a hat (which does not match the true colors of the moth), which is adorned by innumerable butterflies on its crown.
Upon the subject's forceful entry into SCP-714's containment, six sets of wings (three sets from brown moths, two from red moth species) will spread out over the surface of SCP-714. Once this occurs, the mural will transition into various scenes depicting different events, such as hunting expeditions, battles in which animals are seemingly killed by arrows and humans wielding swords. The changes in the mural will only occur if its subject is still inside SCP-714's chamber.
If the subject exits SCP-714 at any point after entry closes, three images within the mural will shift to depict different points along with the new location upon receding into view. Each scene depicts animals located at that location, possibly prey for MTF Lambda-12 ("Adventurers Group") agents or other humanoid lifeforms (including other humans). Some scenes depict locations that are impossible to reach by non-anomalous transport methods (such as space). Attempts to explore these locations have proved futile.
SCP-714's anomalous properties have been established in November 2005, when MTF Lambda-12 agents were dispatched to investigate rumors of human corpses being found in various locations throughout the American continent (see Addendum 714-03).
Addendum 714-01: Historical Background
On 11/16/2005, the following report was received by the Foundation's Information Relay Service (FIDS) from MTF Lambda-12 agents:
Subjects: 6, of whom 4 were civilians and 2 were former military personnel.
Location: Site-15.
The following is extracted from the report.
Upon our arrival at the location, we heard sounds of animals being hunted at a distance. Upon closer inspection, we found a body that we assume to have been the creature depicted in the mural. The corpse appears to be that of a male human, with a coat and hat adorning the skeleton. Upon further inspection, I found some feathers embedded in the jawbone of the corpse; these are adorned with multiple butterflies.
After this discovery, we proceeded to inspect the surrounding area for any signs of other sentient lifeforms (such as humans). We found more corpses, all of which appeared to have been torn apart by animals. After an hour of searching, we found what appeared to be a trail that leads to a rocky cliff. Upon arriving at this location, we found another body (this time an adult male), which also has a coat and hat adorning its skeleton. This specimen also contains wings similar to those found on SCP-714.
Upon further inspection, I discovered several arrows embedded into the skull of this specimen. Upon examining them further, I discovered that they were made out of animal bone (such as deer or elk bones); they were not tempered well enough to survive impact with solid material.