
Picture of SCP-716.

Item #: SCP-716

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Several SCP-716 instances are to be kept in a secure containment unit. Searches for SCP-716 outside a containment unit should be conducted beforehand, with the following preventive measures:

Description: SCP-716 appears to be a set of six plexiglass plates, each approximately 3 cm x 3 cm, arranged in a manner resembling a rectangular prism. Each plate resembles the inside of a small page of paper, with dimensions and proportions similar to those of normal printed material.

SCP-716 is self-regulating: if more than one instance exists in its containment unit, it will reorganize itself into a single copy (this is not observed when examining an instance contained individually or contained within another instance). One side of a separate SCP-716 instance is labeled with a black arrow pointing to the other side. Observe the label on the opposite end and read the message hidden therein using normal print technology.

In addition to its anomalous properties, SCP-716 is also known for being notable for lack of durability when compared to other items with similar properties. After seven days its covers disappear, showing their inner circuits; after one month it no longer has any labels and does not respond to human touch; after two months it stops responding altogether; after three months its outer casing disappears. For comparison purposes, the inside of SCP-176's containment chamber shows signs of corrosion after two months. Once the last label is erased, SCP-716 loses all anomalous properties and becomes an ordinary item again.

SCP-716 was discovered in ██████, Russia on █/█/██ in cooperation with Global Occult Coalition personnel embedded within Russian law enforcement agencies on investigation of an unknown phenomenon by Russian authorities. SCP Authority (hereafter referred to as "Caretakers") have questioned Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel who were treating behavioral disorders among a group of people aged 25 years or younger in [REDACTED], Russia according to standard psychiatric protocol. Family members and friends began complaining about their loved ones' unusual behavior, which became apparent during interview sessions where they exhibited psychic abilities and reported seeing things beyond their own perception. During subsequent containment procedures it was discovered that these individuals had been taking photographs of themselves instead of using flashbulbs during their anomalous activity.

The photographs were taken from different angles from behind the subjects' heads [see Document 716-01]. Most showed instances of SCP-716 which had been placed within [REDACTED] in random locations from which the subjects could only be seen from the back without obstruction by any other object or individual (such as tables or counters). There were about 100 such photographs found among 4 individuals referring to themselves as Madison Carter, Sarah Parnell, Anna Averina, and Alexei Romanenko respectively. Carter is claiming herself as the owner while Parnell refers her co-conspirators while they are referred to only as "P", "A", and "R" respectively:

P: They tried to tell them where I got these pictures but they didn't believe me

A: They didn't tell me why I needed these pictures but I understood then

R: They said gifts are free but they must be given back

P: But they didn't know anything about me

L: Why do you have these pictures if you don't know who gave them?

V: I've wanted this for so long

Addendum 716-01: On █/█/██, Carter and Parnell were found dead in their homes. Cause of death and circumstances are currently under investigation. Parnell had an anomalous picture in her hand and her skin showed no signs of decomposition. Carter's body was found with SCP-716, SCP-176, SCP-2183, and SCP-3242, all of which were missing from their original locations.