
Picture of SCP-725.

Item #: SCP-725

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-725 is located in a bend of the █████ River near █████████, Idaho. Up to two personnel are posted twenty (20) minutes per day at SCP-725 to ensure that no civilians enter it.

SCP-725 is currently used as a facility for staff recreation.

Description: SCP-725 is a ████ "Floodlight" brand light fixture installed in a gravel ditch. On the face of SCP-725 is the words "REPAIRS UNDERWAY". Once a week all electronic components are removed from SCP-725 and repaired at Site 4.

Any civilian who attempts to enter SCP-725 will be drowned within one (1) minute of entry. This has killed three (3) civilians, and four (4) individuals have been lost while trying to recover survivors. The average time it takes to drown an individual who enters SCP-725 is approximately three (3) minutes.

Addendum: On ██/██/████, SCP-725 was turned on by an E-5 security guard, who had previously been assigned to SCP-725, who had gone missing. The cause of the guard's disappearance was later determined to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. The guard was found in the █████ River, and was sent to Site 4 for treatment.

On ██/███/████, a civilian entered SCP-725 while a repairman was inside it. The repairman exited SCP-725 and confirmed that the civilian was dead. The body was then removed from SCP-725 and incinerated. The repairman then reentered SCP-725 and resumed working on it.