Picture of SCP-728.
Item #: SCP-728
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The building housing SCP-728 is to be maintained by Site-28 personnel. No personnel are to enter SCP-728 or its three floors without prior written approval from an O-4 level researcher. Entrance to SCP-728 is to be regulated by the presence of Class V amnestics and a Level 3 clearance. Access to the basement level is restricted to Level 4 security clearance.
Description: SCP-728 is an abandoned building located in ██████████, Maryland, United States. SCP-728 is accessible through a floor and basement entrance. SCP-728 has underground parking and maintenance areas. SCP-728 is composed of forty apartments with varying architectural styles, arranged in five floors. The building's entrance and basement are blocked by cement doors similar to those that would be found in the lobby of a typical apartment complex. Each floor has a stairway, which rises from a common reception area to the basement level. The walls of each room are adorned with various artwork, newspaper clippings, and personal artifacts from the residents of the apartment complex. All paintings are signed with the name "Swan".
Each apartment contains one individual in unclothed states of infancy or early childhood; these individuals appear to be dead. Nonhuman infant bodies are frequently observed outside their rooms, at which time all instances of SCP-728 will vanish from the building. All remains found were human specimens and were perishing from the effects of starvation or dehydration, evidence of cannibalism having been discovered on several occasions. All victims claimed to have no memory of their life before they entered SCP-728, but all had birthmarks on the palms consistent with markings left by SCP-106 or SCP-882 (see incident log 728-01).
No serial number was recorded on any corpses recovered, suggesting that all instances are related by genetics and birthdate. All children have been subjected to pallor, malnutrition, and dehydration; many victims have succumbed to these factors while still alive. Only one child has survived into adulthood without defect or disturbance: ██ years after she entered SCP-728, [REDACTED]. For further information on this child please see document 728-03.
Addendum: Incident 728-01
The following incident report was written by Dr. ████.
I have determined that the basement level of SCP-728 is a recreation hall of sorts. As the children\'s rooms are all on the first floor, it follows that this level is the location of a school or daycare. The basement level has a number of rooms, which all appear to be classrooms, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium, with an office for the building\'s maintenance staff. All doors within SCP-728 are labeled, but none can be opened from inside of SCP-728. I have been able to decode some of these labels, as well as several newspaper articles from the school\'s real life counterpart in [REDACTED], Maryland.
Room 1: "Vocabulary"
Room 2: "Citizenship"
Room 3: "History"
Room 4: "Cooking"
Room 5: "Science"
The gymnasium contains two large exercise machines whose purpose is currently unknown; the machines have been dormant for years and have not been used since their last use. The cafeteria appears to be in pristine condition and contains equipment consistent with standard cafeterias, including a refrigerator and hot water heater. The office contains an employee\'s desk and a fridge; both items are covered in dust and may contain old foodstuffs, but no human remains have been discovered.
A group of children have been observed playing outside on a basketball court located in front of SCP-728. They have been observed to engage in various activities, such as playing video games, eating lunch, or exercising together. While there have been no reports of any instances of SCP-728 entering the recreation hall, it is possible that they could be seen by Foundation personnel if they were permitted to enter. During my investigation I had several opportunities to observe children at play and note that they appeared healthy and normal for their ages; however, due to their youth I am unsure whether or not these individuals would qualify for inclusion in SCP-2609 or SCP-3115. If these children were affected by SCP-728 despite being its subjects I would recommend terminating them as Class III humanoids.