Picture of SCP-74.
Item #: SCP-74
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-74 is to be kept in a standard containment locker, with no more than forty (40) grams of metal inside. SCP-74 is not to be handled without gloves, as it transmits its effects through close contact.
Description: SCP-74 is a "box" about the size and shape of a German medium hard-waxed sweet chocolate bar, with a fractal dimension of approximately 55. SCP-74 is found to contain no anomalous properties before being introduced to metal; its metallic component is not to be removed from SCP-74 until after the removal of their components.
When an individual eats or handles SCP-74, they will experience a small number of cognitive abnormalities. The first is that a small number of unexpected events may occur, even if no anomalous objects are present in the area. The second is that an object or person (particularly an inanimate object) will take on characteristics of SCP-74's metallic component; additional exceptions have been noted where this occurs while the object or person is already metallic. When an anomaly occurs, it is not limited to objects but also include people: a person who has been identified as a metahuman member of the humanoid race will spontaneously become metallic when within ten (10) minutes of SCP-74.
SCP-74 was discovered in ████████████ after reports of spontaneous transmutation among homeless populations were reported by Foundation assets across ████████, ████ and █████. The object was confiscated by Mobile Task Force Gamma-7 ("The Snatchers") and moved to [REDACTED]. SCP-74 was placed under Level 3 containment at Site-12 after discovery and classification as Euclid, pending further study on how it produces anomalous effects.
Addendum 74: On ██/██/████, an individual was brought to medical for further testing. Before being entered into the examination room, the subject was asked to remove their shoes due to a request by Dr. ████████. The subject complied, and the door to the examination room was closed. The first three tests were standard, with no anomalous results.
Test #1
Subject: U.S. citizen, male ██ years old
Procedure: Subject is given instructions to put on SCP-74 and sit in a chair. The subject is instructed not to eat or drink anything until after the test is concluded.
Results: The subject sits in a chair that has been occupied by a plastic doll (approximately 35\xa0cm tall) in previous tests; however, the doll has now been replaced by a male humanoid of unknown origin wearing a "Santa" hat and robe and holding a walking cane. The subject\'s jeans have been replaced by denim jeans, and the subject\'s shoes with boots similar to those worn by Santa Claus himself.
Test #2
Subject: U.S. citizen, male █ years old
Procedure: Subject is instructed to put on SCP-74 and sit in a chair. The subject is instructed not to eat or drink anything until after the test is concluded.
Results: The subject sits in a chair that has been occupied by an anthropomorphic bear (see image); the bear appears to be approximately thirty-five (35)\xa0cm tall and has brown fur with black stripes. The subject\'s shoes have changed into boots similar to those worn by Santa Claus himself.