Picture of SCP-749.
Item #: SCP-749
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As of 12/07/2015, SCP-749 is contained in a standard storage locker at Site-19. Any individual discovered carrying or possessing SCP-749 is to be detained by security personnel and brought before the site director for interrogation. Following interrogation, the individual in question is to be administered amnestics, then released.
Description: SCP-749 is the title of a commercially available videogame, "Final Fantasy VII Advent Children".
In addition to its original content, SCP-749 includes an addendum titled "Trigger". The addendum describes several nefarious experiments being conducted by Shinra Electric Power Company, in an attempt to prolong the life of Shizu Kyouen, one of the main characters from FFVII. Shizu Kyouen's body has been modified to allow for extended life, but eventually decomposes due to the effects of aging. The experiments are successful after four years, and the protagonist is granted an additional year of life.
The author of the addendum alleges that the person responsible for these experiments was President Shinra himself.
Addendum: When played, SCP-749 will play the "Trigger" addendum as an emote. During this time, SCP-749\'s user interface is replaced by a system resembling that of the original game. The player may then choose to accept the offer of a new life by President Shinra, or suffer execution.
The player who accepts the offer of a new life from President Shinra will be transported to a large, open area. When they arrive, they are greeted by several members of the R&D department who have been given enhanced longevity by President Shinra\'s research. They proceed to inform the player that the world is in a state of crisis and that President Shinra has tasked them with helping restore the planet. The player is then informed that if they agree to help, they will be granted an additional year of life, along with increased strength, agility and stamina.
The player who refuses to help is then informed that they are no longer under the effects of aging and proceed to be executed by security personnel.