Picture of SCP-753.
Item #: SCP-753
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-753 can only be activated and controlled by written name, a number of methods have been devised to prevent unauthorized activation of the anomaly.
The Foundation has set up checkpoints in major population centers around the world where any person who signs their name in a book, on a wall, or in any other space designated for this purpose is reported to authorities. All persons entering these locations must provide proof of identity and must sign their name on an identification card with Foundation personnel present at the time.
Note: The Foundation does not keep records of what books are being signed by whom, due to the possibility that the number of books that have been signed at any given point could be used to divine information about the location of large cities.
Description: SCP-753 is an anomalous phenomenon in which all books, journals, or any other written works that have been signed by the author or owner of the book will contain the name of the person who signed the book (Example: "John Smith Signed His Name Here"). The name can be seen whether the owner of the book is still alive or not.
Note: No matter how many times a person signs their name on a book, they will always see their own name on it, unless another name appears at the same time.
Addendum: After a large amount of books with unknown owners from various modern literature were found to contain the names of the owners, the Foundation was able to track down a number of individuals who signed their names on books that were not theirs.
Note: As the Foundation has not been able to determine what causes SCP-753, it is unable to tell which instances of SCP-753 are genuine and which are fake, so it resorts to a number of methods of detection.