
Picture of SCP-754.

Item #: SCP-754

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-754 is held in a standard non-containment safe at Site-██. The object is to be stored with a fully charged battery and at least one spare charged battery. Containment procedures are to be followed before use of SCP-754.

Personnel reporting symptoms of SCP-754 poisoning may be quarantined for two weeks after exposure, and must report to the Site-██ Medical Officer. Due to limited supplies, it will not be possible to isolate every affected individual. This restriction is imposed to avoid spreading SCP-754 infection among Foundation staff and civilians.

Any personnel who go missing en route to Site-██ following exposure to SCP-754 are to be presumed lost in the woods until their bodies are found or their whereabouts determined using an alternative means of locating missing persons.

Description: SCP-754 is a Swiss Army knife, with the words "PHOTOGRAPHE" and "SURVEILLANCE" on the handle.

When an individual uses SCP-754 to operate the camera, SCP-754 will record seven seconds of video before recording a sound file of that individual's voice saying "Yes, one more." When viewed later, the video will show a forest scene. The sound file is comprised of random sounds of nature, such as leaves rustling through the trees.

While SCP-754 is in use, any missing persons reported or discovered are assumed to have perished while attempting to access SCP-754's usage capabilities. As no ID can be found on the person, it is assumed that they were already missing before entering the woods during the time period when their body was not found. Mobile phone and GPS signals from missing persons are interrupted near the site where bodies are recovered; there are no known instances where a surviving victim's cellphone or GPS has been located at a different location. This effect does not appear to apply to corpses; for instance, if a person dies in New York City and their body is taken to Site-██ for containment, it should be presumed that he/she died in New York City.

Addendum: On ██/██/████, SCP-754 was used to record a man named Mr. ████████, who had been missing since the previous day. He was found unconscious near the site where his body was discovered. When interviewed, he claimed that he had found SCP-754 before it could be used by anyone else, and had been recording the video as a present for his daughter. The sound file was not in the memory of SCP-754, but a search of all Foundation sites' memory storage has located the sounds recorded there. Currently, the sound files are being transcribed and analyzed, but they do not appear to contain any messages or codes.

Mr. ████████ was taken to Site-██ and given amnestics. His daughter ████████ is also given amnestics for her involvement in her father's disappearance.