Picture of SCP-757.
Item #: SCP-757
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: A security perimeter is to be maintained around the site of SCP-757. No civilians are permitted beyond this perimeter. A detailed study of SCP-757 has been undertaken, but it is currently deemed too expensive to be conducted again.
Civilians are permitted to approach SCP-757 at their own risk; attempts to board or disrupt the site by any means other than the ones listed below will be met with lethal force.
Because of the secrecy of the site and its nature as a "good trading company", there are currently no plans for further research into the site, or acquisition of SCP-757.
Description: SCP-757 is a trading post located in the Himalayas, near the border between India and Nepal. The building is constructed of basic wood, with some sort of plaster or stone covering its roof. There are no windows visible on this side of the building. The wooden structure has two entrances: one directly at ground level, and another through the roof.
In addition to SCP-757 itself, several items are present inside of it. The first of these is a large quantity of salt, which is found to contain a total of nineteen different types of salt crystals. Each type appears to be used for a different purpose, with some being used as currency or items (such as salt shakers or oars), and others used for food (such as bread). Many sacks are also filled with animal bones that appear to have been highly salted and then dried. A small wooden sign hangs on the wall above the entrance; written in a crude hand are the words "Good Trading Company".
When anyone other than civilians approaches SCP-757, a strong odor emanates from the building. This smell is described as being similar to potpourri mixed with ammonia. Individuals affected by this smell report feeling extremely hungry and thirsty, despite having consumed one meal and three litres of water before entering SCP-757. If not fed or watered soon after entering the building, they die within two days.
The second object present at SCP-756 is an upper portion of a wooden ladder, consisting of multiple rungs approximately five centimeters apart. The rungs appear corroded internally, but otherwise usable; the top section has been sawed off at the anchor point that would've connected to it if it had been intact. However, there is no sign of any other work having been performed on the building in years prior to capture; no tools are present except for very basic ones such as axes or shovels (which were likely stolen long ago) found around SCP-757's perimeter; and there were no signposts at all inside SCP-756 that could have indicated where it was located.
The third object present at SCP-756 consists of several small bags filled with small stones. These stones are themselves not anomalous in any way — they simply do not seem to interact with anything but each other when cracked open. A fourth item may be recovered from outside the building if an empty sack filled with salt is provided to SCP-757 (see Incident Report 757-A).
If an individual attempts to exit SCP-757 and bring back more than a pound of salt (under normal temperature conditions), and if that individual does not return within two days (even if they attempted to break open their bag of stones while still within SCP-757), then that person will become separated from normal reality, becoming trapped inside SCP-757 and unable again to escape until they starve or suffocate due to exposure. This effect only lasts until four pounds of salt have been brought out or until eight hours have passed since departure from inside SCP-757; anything beyond that weight cannot be recovered until after thirty minutes pass following departure.
Addendum: The following document was recovered from inside SCP-757 sometime before Incident Report 757-A.
Good Trading Company
We are the Good Trading Company. We do not charge high prices, but we give fair prices. We do not sell drugs or stolen goods. We do not sell guns or pornography. We do not sell weapons or poisons. We are a good trading company.
Our customers value our salt and our stones. Our salt is better than any other salt you could buy, and our stones are better than the rocks you have been using for so long. Our salt and our stones can be used for many things: to make good food, to watch TV, for fun at parties, for decorations, for making salted fish, for a nice dinner with friends. Our customers like our salt and our stones. They are happy with us.
But we also have much more than this. Inside of us, there is a small room filled with many bags of different types of salt and stones, each bag containing an amount of salt and/or stone that is enough to make up all the bags inside our room. These bags are filled with different types of salt and stones, which can be used by anyone to make their own unique things. They can trade these things if they want to, or enjoy them on their own. All of the bags in our room are different, and none of them are alike; they each contain their own type of salt and stones, which can be used only for their own purposes.
We sell some of the bags — some bags contain only rocks, some contain only salt, some contain both rocks and salt — but we do not sell all of them to one person at once; people must come in to take what they want from the bags, and then come back later for more bags if they want them.
We hope that you will be happy with us, but if you are not happy with us then please leave now.