Picture of SCP-760.
Item #: SCP-760
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-760 is kept in a sealed container on site at Site-72. A small opening is present in the side of the container to allow for periodic sample collection, and any personnel may use this opening to enter the containment chamber. The exterior of SCP-760's container is to be continually monitored to ensure no additional damage is caused.
The container holding SCP-760 is to be kept in a sealed lab facility located under the guise of an oceanographic observatory. This facility is to maintain the integrity of its Foundation cover story and be inspected by Mobile Task Force Pi-2 ("Demons") members at least once per month. Only those members of Pi-2 have access to this facility, which has been named "Site Sea".
Description: SCP-760 is a model of the Comet Hyakutake, discovered in March 2005 by Japanese researchers during an expedition to study the aurora. After its recovery, SCP-760 was stored at Site-72 and examined by Foundation personnel. The layout of SCP-760's interior matches that of Hyakutake, with the exception being a room containing various forms of life, which appear to be survivors of some kind. Based on the conditions of the "survivor's" existence, it is theorized that SCP-760 arrived on Earth after the end of a global flood approximately 5,000 years ago.
SCP-760 is filled with an unidentified liquid substance that remains at exactly body temperature (37 degrees Celsius) no matter how cold or hot the containment chamber is. This liquid also does not shrink beneath pressure. This liquid contains traces of all surface lifeforms; aside from humans and other mammalian species, all aquatic or amphibious animal lifeforms are present along with plants and some types of fungi. It should be noted that due to the quantity of organic matter in this mixture and the effects it has on living tissue, only small samples can be safely removed from inside SCP-760 by means other than human physical contact for extended periods of time.
The substances contained within SCP-760 have been described as "familiar", despite never having encountered each other before. Commonalities include:
Although these similarities are present in hundreds to thousands of organisms present throughout SCP-760's interior, they do not appear to be related to a single source.
Several attempts have been made to extract DNA from these organisms and use it to breed new species outside of SCP-760; although they are able to reproduce normally both outside and inside SCP-760, all specimens grown in this manner show no signs of any resemblance to the original creatures contained within. Attempts to breed a new human species using genetic material found in SCP-760 have been similarly unsuccessful.
Addendum: The following is a transcript of an interview conducted with one of the organisms found within SCP-760. Several questions were asked in English but this was translated into Japanese by Foundation linguists before the interview was conducted.
Interviewer: Hello, my name is Dr. Okada and I\'m with the Foundation. I would like to ask you a few questions about what you\'ve been through. Can you hear me?
Interview subject: Yes! It\'s just so strange; we\'ve heard so many things about humans from our friends, but never have we seen them in person. This one seems so strange and different from us; his hair and eyes are green, not like us at all. His skin is different as well. I wonder if he ate that man who died yesterday?
Interviewer: What do you mean by "different" and "weird" then?
Interview subject: His skin is similar to the fish we eat in our culture, but it isn\'t. It\'s something else; it\'s hard to describe but it feels similar to something like a shell. Something like a hard shell, covering his body like scales. We\'re all curious but we don\'t know how to approach him or if he even wants us to speak to him. He\'s so big, and he\'s quiet, carrying some kind of weapon on his back. He looks angry.
Interviewer: So do you have any idea why he is angry?
Interview subject: He doesn\'t talk much and I don\'t think he can respond to our words. Maybe he can\'t understand because we\'re not from here, or maybe it\'s because we\'re too small for him to be around?
Interviewer: What do you mean by "too small"?
Interview subject: Well, I don\'t know how it works for him but for us it\'s just normal for someone his size to be able to carry such a large weapon on their back. For us, a 20-year-old man would be way too small to be able to carry something of that size; he might use something like a sling on his shoulder instead.
Interviewer: Are you saying that he\'s very old?
Interview subject: Yes; I think he\'s over 40 now, 40 years or more. He hasn\'t aged since the day I met him but he looks older than that, even though he doesn\'t look dead yet!
Interviewer: Hmm… Do you know where he came from?
Interview subject: He was born in another world, I think that\'s why he looks so strange and different from us. We have no idea how he got here or why he was sent to Earth. It was very sudden and unexpected; we didn\'t even have time to prepare ourselves for it! Our own world started collapsing and we were so scared when we saw this creature standing there with his weapon held up high above his head! We thought it was going to kill us all! We could barely run away from him before he killed the rest of our people! It was horrible! He must have killed them all, all our people!
Interviewer: How did you survive?
Interview subject: There was a man behind him; I don\'t know who he was or what happened before or after they met but he protected us when they were ready to fight each other. He saved our lives and took us away in this boat as soon as the other one left. That man never spoke and never laughed but always looked angry when we spoke to him; I\'m sure that was nothing but fear on our part! He looked really angry when we were escaping with all of our people lying dead around us! If we could communicate with him, maybe we could find out what happened? Maybe they were only fighting because they were both scared? Maybe they were just playing? Does it matter now? They\'re gone now anyway!
[The interview ends here.]