Picture of SCP-762.
Item #: SCP-762
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-762 is currently contained in a standard containment cell at Site-██. SCP-762's cell has been fitted with a CCTV camera capable of recording up to 8 hours of footage. The footage is to be transferred to a digital storage device every 24 hours and archived following the expiration date printed on said storage device. No digital devices with date as of yet have been created capable of storing footage beyond 2100.
Following its discovery, SCP-762 was retrofitted with an oversize humanoid containment suit, allowing it to move freely around its area. SCP-762 is allowed to wander the perimeter of its area at will, but may not enter any other containment area. The staff responsible for taking care of SCP-762 are not to enter its containment area while it is roaming freely.
The staff responsible for taking care of SCP-762 are forbidden from learning any commands from SCP-762, or even making reference to them in any way. All staff members are also required to memorize three phrases that are written on the inside of their wrists, which will be explained later in this document.
Any personnel suspected of having learned SCP-762's phrases are to be immediately placed on medical leave until questioned by their superiors.
Description: SCP-762 is an animate cadaver believed to be an elderly Caucasian male, who measures 1.78m tall and has aged between 853 and [REDACTED]. SCP-762 has been observed to show signs of confusion and distress towards objects that do not contain an "X".
When an object with an "X" on it is placed in close proximity to SCP-762, it will attempt to retrieve the item from the container. At first, SCP-762 will focus its attention on the cadaver nearest the 'X'. If time allows, it will then proceed on to the second cadaver. After this, it will shift its attention onto the third cadaver, and continue this process until all three corpses are removed from their respective containers.
After this event, SCP-762 will gradually drift away from any containers containing bodies, returning after approximately 5 minutes once they have been emptied.
Though multiple methods have been attempted in order to neutralize SCP-762's anomalous effect, these attempts have all failed. The first method was attempting to apply a reverse electric current to an X-shaped device located within SCP-762's containment cell. This resulted in minor damage to two of the devices; however, SCP-762 did not respond in any way upon doing so. After being informed of this fact by Dr ██████, personnel involved in this experiment were altered such that they would not be able to recall what was written on their wrists without assistance from other personnel within the facility. This resulted in no changes to SCP-762's behavior.
The next test involved implanting a form of memetic amnestic into SCP-762's containment cell via a needle inserted below its tongue and through the roof of its mouth. Upon administering the medication, SCP-762 immediately ceased all activity and began becoming increasingly agitated for periods of up to 12 minutes before disappearing altogether. Following this, SCP-763 materialized out of thin air in front of Dr ██████ and followed him outside his office several times (which are now classified as instances of SCP-763). After these occurrences, Dr ██████ reported that he began feeling a burning sensation near his wrist; he was then placed under quarantine for 3 days until cleared by medical staff. The memory suppressant that was administered was eventually identified as being composed of four unique beads which are categorized in █████████'s book The Sixth Extinction: The Great Molothoecide as being "believed to possess ancient magical properties." All attempts at removing said beads have failed thus far due to having an unknown chemical composition and lack of documentation regarding said materials. As such, personnel are permitted to remove said beads themselves following instructions provided later in this document (see Appendix B).
Following this event, Dr ██████ proposed placing security personnel who have memorized both phrases found on their wrists into the same containment chamber as SCP-762; however, this plan was ultimately rejected by senior security staff due to concerns over public knowledge regarding what has begun occurring inside Site-██'s containment chambers (see Addendum 762A).
A third method used was deliberately causing a breach in containment while located within a containment chamber containing 8 humans at once; however, none of these subjects showed any signs of reanimation after approximately 2 minutes had passed following breach of containment (see Addendum 762B). The sixth method used involved infecting two unclassified devices with a synthetic version of Ghoul saliva using standard syringe techniques employed by D class personnel. Attempting to place them near living cadavers resulted in no change whatsoever for 8 hours after said devices had been placed upon said cadavers (see Addendum 762C); furthermore, attempting to inject these same devices with normal human saliva resulted in no change whatsoever for 2 hours (see Addendum 762D).
During testing by Dr ██████ involving his theory regarding why SCP-762 reanimates living human corpses instead of nonliving ones, he was informed by senior security staff that there were currently 118 persons under quarantine over possible outbreak; this information was classified so closely as a secret as not even Dr ██████ knew about it until after its creation. However, it is known now that Dr ██████ successfully created a team composed solely of himself consisting solely of test subjects that were capable of reciting both phrases written on their wrists (see Addendum 762E). These individuals report that they felt themselves slowly begin changing over time - speaking slowly and infrequently with one another - until finally becoming fully sapient across all thought processes and cognitive abilities over 4 months worth of time span(See Addendum 762F). It is now expected that most cases involving reanimation via infection or spontaneous mutation will not extend beyond stage one due to no further evidence otherwise regarding advancements made within Foundation research labs.
Addendum 762: On ██/██/████, Infection #14-A, [REDACTED], became fully sentient in a manner similar to Dr ██████'s team. During testing, Infection #14-A was injected with two different substances that were found to have identical chemical compositions. Upon injection, Infection #14-A began exhibiting behavior consistent with that of Dr ██████'s team; however, it is unclear whether the infection was the result of a biological or chemical origin. Following this test, Infection #14-A was quarantined for 2 weeks until it expired from [REDACTED]; this resulted in the discovery that SCP-762 had not been capable of reanimating corpses of any kind.