Picture of SCP-763.
Item #: SCP-763
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-763 is to be surrounded at all times by Level 4 personnel from Security clearances, who are to respond to any civilian trespassing. Any trespasser found within SCP-763 is to be detained and questioned, and are to be restrained until the end of the tour.
The stairway itself is to be quarantined, and the air in it to be evacuated periodically. Should a captive test subject be found attempting to leave the stairway or escape into it, they are to be detained until the end of the tour, and then subjected to termination by Security personnel.
Description: SCP-763 is a tour of the borderlands of Mexico, consisting of a stairway descending into a chasm. The stairway descends in an upward spiral over one hundred and fifty meters.
Anyone venturing down the stairway will die within minutes, but if they make it to the end of the line they will be revived and found by Researcher Jorge Cárdenas and returned to the containment area where they initially entered.
SCP-763 was discovered when Researcher Jorge Cárdenas was sent to investigate reports of trespassers. His initial account stated that he had searched for intruders on numerous occasions without success, and determined that this was due to people believing SCP-763 to be a regular tourist attraction. He then investigated the second floor, discovering a room filled with dead test subjects, which were all wearing shuttle passes bearing his name.
Interviewed: Researcher Jorge Cárdenas
Interviewer: Dr. Charles
Dr. Charles: Good morning, Researcher Cárdenas.
Researcher Cárdenas: Good morning, sir.
Dr. Charles: So you\'re a tour guide?
Researcher Cárdenas: That\'s right, sir. I\'m a tour guide for the ████████ Tour Company. We have tours off of Platform ██-██ every day at noon, and I\'m supposed to show people around the local area and maybe take them on a little tour of the borderlands. SCP-███ is right down the way, and we like to tell people about it before they go.
Dr. Charles: And what happens if they get lost?
Researcher Cárdenas: We send out a search party and try to find them ourselves.
Dr. Charles: Have you seen anything unusual recently? I mean, what if someone gets lost in the stairway?
Researcher Cárdenas: Nothing unusual that I\'ve heard of, no. But there are always tourists who get lost all over the place, you know? It\'s not uncommon for someone to wander off into one of our attractions and never come out again.
Dr. Charles: Then why not just send someone to look for them?
Researcher Cárdenas: Well, we try to do that too, but it\'s not always easy getting down there. It\'s not exactly wheelchair accessible or anything, so sometimes it takes us a little while to get down there. And we don\'t want anyone taking the place apart accidently or something, so we have to keep the tours moving at all times.
[Dr. Charles asks Researcher Cárdenas to explain how they are able to give tours of SCP-763.]
Researcher Cárdenas: Honestly, I can\'t say as I know exactly how we do it, but it\'s pretty simple really. When we find someone missing, we just wait until the next tour is coming in, then send up some supplies and keep going until they get here. We keep track of everyone coming through the door with their shuttle passes, and usually two people are sent out to look for them at a time. As long as everyone has their shuttle pass on their person, we can keep moving without having to worry about anyone getting lost.
Dr. Charles: And by "everyone," do you mean your crew? Or you personally?
Researcher Cárdenas: All of my crew, sir. We\'re never more than three people at any given time down there. We have a couple of other guides who help out sometimes too when we\'re busy. The whole thing is run by one person in a big enclosure down in the control room, and he can just monitor everything from there and activate the tour when needed.
Dr. Charles: What about if something does happen down there? Like if someone gets hurt or something?
Researcher Cárdenas: Well… that would never happen because our tour guide is always watching us half the time, you know? And this guy here has been in charge of this tour for six years now… his name is ████████ ████████████ and he doesn\'t miss a trick down there watching us all the time. He knows when someone steps out of line so he can begin the tour immediately after that happens or something like that. The tour can\'t be interrupted for anything at all… well… not by anything anyway, I guess that doesn\'t really make sense but you know what I mean… anyway, nothing can interrupt our tours because of ████████████ ████████████\'s watchfulness! He has eyes everywhere! He wouldn\'t let anything happen to anyone! Not ever! Ever! Those are his words! He\'s been with me ever since I started this job! He was my first tour guide ever! He gave me my first job! Seven years ago when no one else would hire me because of my eye problems! Because of my eye problems! He gave me my first job! He took care of me when no one else would! So he wouldn\'t let anything happen to anyone! Ever! Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER ever evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey evey eveyevey Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery ery eryer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yer yeryer yeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryeryer