Picture of SCP-765.
Item #: SCP-765
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-765 is not to be approached by uncontained kites of any kind. Anyone who witnesses SCP-765 in flight will be taken into custody if feasible; the relevant containment area must be evacuated and gassed with █████ when necessary. Attempts at containment and tracking of SCP-765 are unlikely to succeed. See Incident Log 675 for further information.
Description: SCP-765 is a pair of lepidopterans of undetermined species, approximately 1.5m in length, inhabiting the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States Pacific Northwest. SCP-765's wingspan has been measured at 2.5m; its weight is estimated at 22 kilograms. It is capable of spontaneously flying using its wings, and can access its internal batteries by spreading its wings to form a cover over its abdomen.
The only known method of communication between SCP-765 and other kites or humans is through emitting a weak electromagnetic field when unoccupied or in flight, which is audible to human observers. This field is similar in strength to that produced by common commercial electronics such as surveillance cameras. Despite this, SCP-765's full appearance remains unknown.
Recovery: On ██/██/████, two men in their twenties were observed reeling lines off a dune near ████████ Beach, Washington State on the Olympic Peninsula with cameras attached to their necks. One of the men had ingested hallucinogenic mushrooms before entering the area, while his friend was under the influence of [REDACTED]. The man who was not under the influence observed SCP-765 alight on a small pebble, while his friend called out "Hey it's some sort of fucking dragon!" and took pictures with his camera. When all but one of the photos turned out blurry due to motion blur, he decided to retrieve it from his beach bag in order to save film. Upon doing so he was taken by surprise by SCP-765 and immediately ran into the woods for evacuation efforts. Shortly after SCP-765 disappeared, police officers arrived and reported seeing something suspicious lingering on Dungeness Spit around sunset time, as well as several sparrows scattered about that appeared to have died after falling from a great height without explanation.
Further investigation revealed that all of the photographs taken that day had belonged to Dr. ████████ ████████████ (who has since been forgiven). His office at ██████ University was raided and all photographs were confiscated along with an incomplete manuscript titled 'Arrows and Kites'. Further investigation has revealed this manuscript's title alone[2] to contain all information known about SCP-765 – including previously missing details such as:
Despite these observations being confirmed by Dr. ████████████, the nature of SCP-765 remains unknown – presumably because it cannot be contained.
Addendum: This incident is the only known occasion of SCP-765 causing any kind of damage to a human being. The following is a summary of the investigation into this event, taken from Dr. ████████████\'s personal journal.
[C]: -17:06
I\'m sitting in my office when I hear someone knocking on my door. I open it to find a policeman standing there with a camera bag slung over his shoulder. As he turns to leave, though, I can see his eyes are glazed over; he looks like he\'s on LSD or something. I ask him what\'s going on and he says "I got some photos from that guy that was camping up there last night."
"The camper? What about him?"
"He took some pictures. They\'re kind of blurry but there\'s this big fucking dragon flying around in one of them."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"And it looked like it was eating those birds."
"Eating what birds? What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I mean, they were all dead and shit, like they just dropped out of the sky or something."
"What did you do with the camera?"
"Huh? Oh, I don\'t have it anymore."
"Well keep an eye out for it. I have no idea what the hell that is but I want it back, okay?"
After the officer leaves, I sit at my desk for a while, thinking. That thing must have been really hungry if it ate all those fucking sparrows. I mean, they weren\'t all there; there were probably dozens of them up there. If that thing had wanted to eat all of them, it would\'ve taken hours to get through all of them. It was probably just a coincidence that most of them died at once – maybe it was just picking at each one for a little bit before moving on to the next one. But then again how does it know how many sparrows there were in the first place? But then again this whole thing is pretty ridiculous – why would anybody think that anything like that actually existed? There\'s no way in hell I\'m writing this shit up as an SCP. It\'s completely impossible, and even if anyone ever saw what they think they saw, they\'d never believe me even if I told them it was real.