
Picture of SCP-766.

Item #: SCP-766

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A 50 m·radius polygon is to be drawn around the area where any instances of SCP-766 are sighted, patrolled by D-class personnel. All requests for ground searches resulting in the discovery of new instances of SCP-766 are to be denied by Regional Command (RC) personnel until all previous exploration efforts have been completed.

Description: SCP-766 are Geckos. Instances of SCP-766 typically (but not exclusively) measure at just 2 cm long and weigh between 1 and 10 grams. The appearance of SCP-766 varies wildly, some having brightly colored patches on their skins while others are predominantly brown or grey.

When alive, instances of SCP-766 have been known to superficially resemble the common gecko in a number of ways. One such similarity is their ability to climb any surface with ease. However, when it comes to movement, they are more closely related to lizards such as skinks or chameleons in that they are incapable of locomotion around any kind of frictionless surface, leaving them vulnerable to all but the shallowest of ground searches when searching for food.

However, unlike common geckos, SCP-766 have the ability to quickly shed their exoskeleton completely and become completely mobile through the use of muscular contractions and elasticular expansion in the legs, allowing them to traverse any surface with ease, even very rough surfaces. This makes searching for instances of SCP-766 difficult unless one has already seen it in some way and set foot on the same surface. If one does happen upon an instance of SCP-766 during this time, it will attempt to crawl away from the searcher as quickly as possible, only stopping if a hard enough surface is encountered. The only methods known to slow down an instance of SCP-766 are heavy objects placed on top of its body or a chemical agent administered directly into its mouth.

SCP-766's fast pace allows it to evade detection by most humans within minutes if not seconds after observing it for the first time. Once an individual has seen an instance of SCP-766 under these conditions however, it is impossible for them not to see an instance again within their lifetime - no matter what surface they search upon or which method they use for searching.

When an instance of SCP-766 is disturbed in any way (such as being touched or moved), it will immediately cease all motor activity and begin focusing on fleeing towards deeper darkness until it rapidly calcifies into granite stone.

Addendum 766-01: Incident 766-02

Date: 16/08/20██

Location: A small town in █████ █████, ██████

Description: An instance of SCP-766 was discovered in a residential area by a family of four. The family, consisting of parents and their two children (a boy and girl), saw the instance running across the grass in front of their house. The mother ran towards it and immediately became paralyzed with fear, unable to move or talk until after the instance had fled.

The mother reported that when she moved closer to the instance, it curled its legs up around itself and began to shed its exoskeleton at a rapid pace. A few minutes later, the instance had completely calcified. At no point did the mother ever see the instance's eyes or mouth.