Picture of SCP-768.
Item #: SCP-768
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-768 is to be held in a spaced-locked standard humanoid containment cell at Site-██. Testing with SCP-768 is to only be conducted by research staff with Level-3 authorization, and must only entail the testing of non-anomalous examples of devices capable of producing audible sound or infrared radiation. Under no circumstances should experimentation with SCP-768 result in its direct death, as this event has been found to drastically change the nature of instances of SCP-768's anomalous properties.
Description: SCP-768 is a humanoid entity, approximately 1.9m tall and weighing 78kg, with a number of non-anomalous features such as an unblemished skin complexion, normal male reproductive organs, and the absence of any implanted cybernetic components. SCP-768 displays a number of unusual properties seen in neither humans nor other animals, including the ability to perceive audible frequencies beyond those ordinarily perceivable by humans (unlike other humanoids), proficiency in the use of firearms and the use of conventional currency along with money types not previously observed in digital form, and possible resistance to conventional pain-inflicting weaponry. It should be noted that this resistance does not extend to all forms of conventional weaponry; however, no instances of SCP-768 thus far appear to possess this resistance to all types of conventional weaponry.
SCP-768 shows noticeable signs of aging when subjected to treatment by subjects with anomalous longevity or healing abilities; however, it remains biologically immortal. Its anomalous traits manifest whenever it is exposed to the creation of new instances of sound or infrared radiation. The effects manifest when SCP-768 perceives the creation of either a new instance of song or heat emanating from another source; examples include radio broadcasts, television broadcasts (including images conveyed over video screens), cellular telephone transmissions, and microwave ovens. These effects are detectable at a distance as far as ██km away from the source - but will cease if SCP-768 ceases its exposure to any source of audio/video/radiation for an extended period.
The exact nature of each effect produced by SCP-768 is shown below:
Addendum 768-1: Incident log 768-1
On ██/██/██, SCP-768 was exposed to the creation of a new instance of sound from a nearby microwave oven. SCP-768 began rapidly displaying symptoms of extreme physical pain, and upon the cessation of exposure to the oven, it collapsed in convulsions onto the floor.
Due to its proximity to a microwave oven, it was quickly noticed by guards posted outside of SCP-768's containment chamber; several of these guards were able to administer emergency care for SCP-768, including intravenous fluids and painkillers. However, due to its extreme level of discomfort, SCP-768 displayed no cooperative behavior during the incident.
On ██/██/██, SCP-768 was returned to its prolonged state of coma brought on by its exposure to the microwave oven incident. Interrogation of SCP-768 revealed that it had been exposed to the microwave oven incident each time it had been placed back into dormancy following the previous exposure (see Addendum 768-2). SCP-768 was then placed into permanent quarantine.
When questioned about its behaviors during the previous incidents, SCP-768 expressed confusion regarding its behavior; however, it remained uncooperative with testing efforts, refusing to provide any additional information regarding its previous behavior.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██
Instrument: Foundation research staff
Result: No anomalous events occurred.
Date: ██/██/██