Picture of SCP-769.
Item #: SCP-769
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-769 is to be contained in a secure chamber at Site-19, with no fewer than two (2) security personnel present at all times while within its containment chamber. No external entrance or exit is to be made to the chamber, and all entrances are to be sealed off. All documents related to SCP-769 are to be properly archived. Guards must remain vigilant when around any locations where SCP-769's anomalous effects have been recorded with more than seven (7) people present.
When needed, guards may fire upon SCP-769 if it makes physical contact with them by any means outside of the Chamber. However, all shooting must be done from afar, as snipers have been documented being able to inflict injury on and kill SCP-769; guards are not permitted to use firearms themselves.
Description: SCP-769 appears to be a metal sculpture on a base approximately two (2) meters in height, with the lower portion of SCP-769's image resembling [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-769 appears to move without fail and consistently directs itself to individuals appearing to be its target.
SCP-769's anomalous effects manifest when at least seven (7) people have been in direct view of the work and it has not attempted to harm or move toward any one individual, group, or object.
SCP-769 will begin moving towards the closest individual with a conversation that seems to sound and appear as if they are conversing normally. Video recording has documented instances where photographs have been taken of this individual while they are conversing with SCP-769; although no visual anomalies have been present or apparent in these instances. Interviews have revealed that this individual will attempt to "answer" any question asked by the subject being interviewed, often in great detail.
After ending its conversation with the subject, SCP-769 either moves around furniture and other objects in order to gain contact with an additional seven (7) subjects, or it simply moves away from the initial subjects and attempts to find a new target. As each new subject is added, SCP-769 will continue its conversations, but only appear to display behavior consistent with what would be termed humanistic traits. When all persons present are interviewed, there are no inconsistencies between their responses. However, after observing SCP-769 for one (1) week, D-Class personnel report feeling like they were being watched by a sharp eye on them for no reason when they were not observed by SCP-769. When this effect is induced upon D-Class personnel alone, they report feeling like they were being watched by a double set of eyes; when this effect is induced upon other personnel, they report feeling like they were being watched by one set of eyes and their own simultaneously looking into each other's eyes simultaneously. This effect can only be induced upon fourteen (14) or more persons at once at which point SCP-769 will begin moving towards the nearest person who is positioned so that all individuals being observed can have simultaneous visual contact with it.
Addendum 769-A: SCP-769 was recovered from a small out-of-the-way art gallery in the San Francisco Bay Area on ██/██/2009. A note had been left by the owner of the gallery, which read as follows:
"The artwork that you see here is not what you think it is. Please try to be open to this new and exciting piece of art, because it\'s very different than anything you\'ve seen before."
The gallery owner gave no further information regarding the piece of artwork nor did they have any contact with the artist. Foundation agents were able to recover SCP-769 after it was reported missing by the owners of the gallery.