Item #: SCP-78
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-78 is to be kept in a locked filing cabinet currently in the main containment facility. SCP-78 is to be monitored only when necessary and its current location is to be kept a secret from personnel who are not specifically involved with Incident 78-A.
Description: SCP-78 is a standard bottle of Glenfiddich Scotch Whisky.
When supplied with a glass and placed within site-37, SCP-78 will cause any employee who has not consumed alcohol in at least three days to become intoxicated within two hours. The end result will be an employee who has the physical and psychological changes consistent with being drunk. Continued exposure will lead to permanent loss of control over the affected individual's body, and eventual death of the subject.
Any significant event, whether event related or not, that causes a significant amount of stress to an employee will cause him or her to become intoxicated as if they consumed alcohol during an Incident 78-A. An employee's intoxication level depends on the severity of their situation and if they have consumed alcohol prior their "incident", but this factor does not appear to affect how quickly employees become intoxicated.
Incidents 78-A can be reduced by increasing one's level of stress, which leads to extreme cases in which employees may attempt to consume outside sources of alcohol (such as previously opened bottles) and/or drugs as a means of coping with their current circumstances. Any attempts to decrease or terminate an Incident 78-A will only exacerbate the effects.
See Logs for more information. Reference Incident 78-A from 27/12/03: Dr. Weidenreich Has Been Debilitated
Addendum: Incident 78-A
For the purpose of this log, we will refer to Dr. Weidenreich as "Dr. Weid".
12/27/03 ~ Dr. Weid is called into a meeting with Site-37\'s Senior Researcher Dr. Unterweger. Dr. Weid is told by Dr. Unterweger that there is a problem with SCP-78 and that she has been "debilitated" by it.
12/28/03 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
1/4/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
2/8/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
3/11/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
4/1/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
5/11/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
6/30/04 ~ Dr. Weid is debilitated by SCP-78, and is not fully able to perform his duties for an additional three days.
7/18/04 ~ An employee (Subject 18) begins to experience extreme stress due to a situation involving their spouse and possible divorce, leading to the employee becoming intoxicated once again due to the severity of the situation.
7/19/04 ~ Subject 18 was discovered by Site-37 staff members within Site-37\'s cafeteria, attempting to obtain alcohol from the cafeteria\'s refrigerator in order to consume it in order to cope with his stressful situation. After being questioned, Subject 18 stated that he had recently consumed two bottles of Glenfiddich over the past two weeks, including two bottles which were opened but not consumed prior Incident 78-A\'s occurrence on 12/27/03, as well as consuming a quarter of a box of condoms purchased at a local pharmacy (for recreational purposes). Subject 18 was restrained in Site-37\'s Containment Chamber until he eventually passed out and was placed in Cryostasis without incident.