Picture of SCP-780.
Item #: SCP-780
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-780 is to be kept in a standard Humanoid Containment Cell. Should SCP-780 enter an empathically mediated state, a standard bedding of coarse grasses is to be placed around it with the addition of 3 liters of fresh water daily. Any sleeping or other noise produced by SCP-780 must be properly muffled, and all attempts to communicate with the subject are to be preemptively terminated by the guards posted for this purpose. The bedding used for SCP-780 is to be rotated once every week.
Any breach of containment or exposure incident must be investigated and reported as quickly as possible, given the unusual properties of SCP-780.
Description: SCP-780 is an adult male, currently in its middle years; physically healthy and apparently healthy, but incapable of speech. There are no discernable origin or history to this entity. It is immobile, but it can hum and sing at a moderate pitch. SCP-780's skin bears what appears to be suggestive skin-tight shorts across the lower torso, visible through a mildly torn pair of boxers.
SCP-780 is extremely sensitive to sound, particularly those in the infrasonic range. Its emotive state fluctuates rapidly and erratically depending on the degree of noise in the room, with a maximum of subjectively normal behavior occurring during quiet periods. SCP-780 will react to more intense shouting, singing and music with agitation, ecstacy and fear.
Any attempts to penetrate this entity's outer shell of sound produce a shock wave that is felt by multiple individuals several feet away from SCP-780 and continually expands outward until at least one meter of space has been vacated around it. This shock wave will continue to expand as long as SCP-780 continues moving or making noise. The shock waves produced by SCP-780 have not been found to be affected by distance (although the strength does decrease with distance). Additionally, if SCP-780 moves between walls of sufficient height (at present about three meters), the shockwave will not expand beyond their outer edges; despite continuous movement by SCP-780 the shockwave does not 'leak' through these walls.
All attempts to communicate with SCP-680 have thus far failed due to its passive inability to respond in any manner other than loud humming and singing accompanied by hissing breaths in an incredibly high pitch (>6400 Hz).
Addendum 780.1: SCP-780 was recovered on ██/██/████ in ██████, Kazakhstan, after a failed attempt to accommodate it into a local orphanage and the death of ████ ██████, a local resident who had been attempting to resist the subject's shockwaves. The subject was placed in containment and brought to Site-25 for analysis.