Picture of SCP-782.
Item #: SCP-782
Object Class: Euclid-L
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-782 is to be monitored by a Foundation weather satellite whenever it is visible from Earth. When SCP-782 reaches its maximum visibility, a ground team is to be dispatched to the site of the phenomenon and take photos and video, as well as gathering data on the weather. This information is to be uploaded to O-Net and forwarded to Project Wingman.
In the event that SCP-782's appearance coincides with an active outbreak of infectious diseases, such as the Ebola virus, containment protocols are to be altered accordingly.
Description: SCP-782 is a phenomenon that occurs during the hours of sunrise and sunset over a particular region of the Atlantic Ocean. The area affected by SCP-782 is approximately 2km in diameter (1.2 mi) with an irregularly shaped area of effect. The period of SCP-782's visibility coincides with the period when many contagious diseases are most active, including those of viral and bacterial origin.
SCP-782 manifests as a visible rainbow of various wavelengths in the sky over the affected area. This rainbow usually appears at a location directly above the affected area and always follows a curved path towards the west. At this point, the rainbow will break up into a number of individual rainbows, each one moving in a random direction. These separate rainbows will continue to move alongside each other until they eventually meet again at the edge of the affected area, forming a single rainbow. If any of these individual rainbows moves beyond the edge of the affected area, it will split from its fellow rainbows, causing it to become invisible. Once all of the individual rainbows have been joined by the main body again, SCP-782 will disappear.
The period during which SCP-782 is visible coincides with several epidemics that have occurred in recent years, including [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]. It should be noted that none of these outbreaks have ever been observed to coincide with SCP-782's appearance.