
Picture of SCP-788.

Item #: SCP-788

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-788 is currently restrained within a soundproof containment chamber at Site-██. The chamber's interior is fitted with two seismic sensors (type SSE-21) which monitor the motion of SCP-788. These sensors are adjusted to detect irregular seismic activity within twenty seconds of SCP-788's movement. As SCP-788 does not respond to any stimuli, no attempts have been made to break or remove its appendages.

Description: SCP-788 appeared in the basement of a ████████ home on 5/3/████. It has since been identified by a variety of common features, such as a missing left arm, an enlarged right foot, a prosthetic left hand, and an artificial left hip. However, it lacks a vocal apparatus and behaves in a manner consistent with a non-anomalous instance of SCP-788. Although it claims to be an "artificial life form", SCP-788 does not appear to exhibit any anomalous properties other than the inability to communicate verbally.

SCP-788 consistently objects to being contained in its current state, claiming that its current appearance is only a temporary measure until it can obtain real limbs and organs. Notably, despite its status as an SCP object, attempts have been made to reach out and grasp SCP-788's appendages. No recorded instance of SCP-788 removing its appendages or replacing them with new ones has yet occurred; however, it has been observed to apply adhesive tape and electrical tape to parts of both appendages if they appear damaged or worn.

Addendum: Due to the unusual nature of SCP-788's current containment procedures, approval for retrieval of its limbs was granted on 5/5/████. Due to the severe damage to several of its appendages and the difficulty in disentangling these limbs from SCP-788, the retrieval team was granted permission to euthanize SCP-788 after it was safely restrained. The team was instructed to use a non-lethal means of restraint; however, it was reported that SCP-788 was still alive after the removal of its arms. Following this incident, a second retrieval team was dispatched to SCP-788's location.

The second retrieval team retrieved four intact limbs (four arms, one leg and one eye) from SCP-788. All limbs were stained with blood, indicating that they had been severed from SCP-788. Due to this finding, and the fact that SCP-788 was still alive when the team had arrived, the team chose not to euthanize it. Instead, they attempted to salvage what parts of SCP-788 that were salvageable, as well as recording any further activities of SCP-788.

On 5/18/██, an unknown individual gained access to Site-██'s containment chamber and removed four appendages from SCP-788. These limbs were left outside the containment chamber in an attempt to attract attention.