Picture of SCP-793.
Item #: SCP-793
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-793 is contained at Site-29 in a zone of force effect created by two Class-B Amnestics and three Class-D Amnestics, in addition to a large vacuum-sealed containment unit. It uses cover identity as the Foundation's "Outreach Liaison Program". No personnel with Level 3 clearance or above are allowed to be in this area without special permission.
It requires 400 gallons of water per day for its needs, which are met via desalination magic. The water is filtered through a sponge and filled into a glass container that can be measured easily to determine how close it is from reaching its limit.
The SCP-793 containment area also has a small area set aside for it to live in as well as a bed area and study/office room. It is fed on human blood and minimal provisions are provided to keep it healthy.
Description: SCP-793 is a humanoid entity with two arms, two legs, two eyes, and two ears. It is 1.85m tall, weighs 73kg and its skin is like reptile scales. Its insides are also covered with scales, except for the digestive area. This is not to be confused with the thick layer of scales covering its outside; this layer has multiple joints in addition to being able to tighten and loosen for a more flexible fit.
SCP-793's insides are connected by a number of large veins that allow it to function as an efficient organ system.
SCP-793 has no known anatomy or internal organs aside from that described above. On the back of its neck is a small box. SCP-793 will attempt to open this box every time it requires blood. The box opens inwards and contains a small tool that appears to have been used as some kind of weapon or tool before being modified. However, SCP-793 has never shown any inclination or desire at using this tool though it does seem to recognize its existence when taken out of its containment case.
SCP-793's skin can peel off very easily and in fact attempts have been made to remove said skin but such attempts have met with failure. When apart from its tank, SCP-793 will try to keep itself as clean as possible by removing most of its scales through self-made openings on the back of its neck. SCP-793 does not seem to be aware of these openings on the back of its neck and seems unaware that it would need to remove scales in order to clean itself properly even if it did know about them. SCP-793's tank however is filled with a herbicide that seems to ward off most species whose own scales would cause irritation upon contact with SCP-793.
Addendum-793: On the 6th of February, 1998, SCP-793 attempted to open the box on its back. The box was open and appeared to be empty. SCP-793 then proceeded to take out a small object that it perceived as a weapon. The object was a long, thin blade with a hole in the middle where the blade was attached to the handle. SCP-793 was then found by Foundation agents who were investigating the area and detained.
The object was found to be a modified standard wooden sword that had been altered and sharpened using unknown means. The sword did not conduct electricity and had no special properties. It wasn\'t until it was shown to SCP-793 that it became clear that the object was an effective means of defense.
SCP-793 was then kept in a large containment chamber, and given a bed to sleep on and a place to eat, provided with blood, and given clothes to wear.
Approximately two weeks later, SCP-793\'s skin started tearing off in large pieces. However, instead of these pieces falling apart or disappearing, they simply moved around with SCP-793 still inside the skin. SCP-793 did not seem to notice this and simply continued to tear off its skin. SCP-793 then started tearing off other parts of its body as well; this included its arms, legs, and head. Eventually SCP-793 ripped its entire body apart, leaving only one winged humanoid entity with a long tail attached to its back. This entity is now known as SCP-793/PHI ("P in" IUPAC stands for humanoid).
When asked why it tore itself apart in such a manner, SCP-793 replied via telepathy:
After this incident, SCP-793/PHI grew much more violent and aggressive towards all personnel. This event is now known as the "Breakout" Incident.