
Picture of SCP-794.

Item #: SCP-794

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-794 is to be located in a secure containment area on-site at Site-48. This site has been constructed in a manner to avoid its detection by satellites, radars and other gadgets of similar properties. SCP-794 is to be kept in a specially designed chamber with a locking door of barbed wire, which will only open via a special key.

In the event of an untoward containment breach involving SCP-794, personnel should activate a tracking system that has been installed in order to track SCP-794 to an appropriate location. Personnel who enter the site while an instance of SCP-794 is present are not to attempt to alter any equipment or material on-site without authorization from at least one Level 4 personnel. Any unauthorized alterations made by personnel in the presence of an SCP-794 instance may result in their termination, depending on the nature of their alteration.

Description: SCP-794 is a type of mollusk, a gastropod, which has been shown to be capable of exuding (in addition to a normal shell) a material composed solely of iron oxide. This material is in some way related to the epidermis of the mollusk, merging with any nearby iron-based containers and creating small metallic spheres that are able to propel themselves at speeds of approximately 3 meters per second. The contents of such "spheres" is currently unknown, as when presented with sources of iron, SCP-794 will eject an instance from its body.

The behavior displayed by SCP-794 in this manner is unknown, as it is believed that these components are completely separate from the rest of the mollusk, but they seem to be able to mimic their biological properties. SCP-794 instances will attempt to hide within any enclosures made of iron or iron-based materials, usually contracting into a small mass or appearing deformed in some way. These attempts to hide can be observed by personnel on-site through observation holes located on either side of the shell.

An SCP-794 may begin exuding material for an indefinite amount of time before doing so at random intervals. If an instance does not release material for several hours or days, it is possible that it may expire from death from beneath the surface (according to X-ray equipment). When this happens, however, another instance may immediately appear from under the shell and take their place at whatever location the instance was located before its death. Attempts to destroy one instance without destroying all have been met with failure; As no more than one instance may exist at any given time, there exists a possibility that if one example were destroyed, another could instantly occupy the space it once occupied.

SCP-794 came into our possession after a group of civilians were uncovered in Panama City, Panama, claiming they were transporting a number of shells they had manufactured themselves and had picked up in [REDACTED]. Upon careful inspection and examination by Foundation agents these people were administered Class A Amnestics and released under cover reports stating they had found an underground bunker attempting to shelter several creatures they deemed "anomalous".

Addendum: Several instances of SCP-794 have been observed following a pattern of behavior that can be used to predict their release from their shells.

These events are as follows:

It should be noted that the first and third stages of this cycle may occur at random, with the second and fourth stages being more likely.